Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I apologise to those whom I owe posts to. Things have been somewhat crazy with work and everything going on in China, but I also received word of a friend back home who passed away unexpectedly. So things are a little crazy. But just wanted to say I haven't disappeared. I just might be a little delayed/slow for a while.

[member="Connor Harrison"]
[member="Maya Song"]
[member="Arisa Yune"]
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

(Anyone else I owe posts to and may have forgotten, please remind me.)

Connor Harrison

[member="Auron Song"] Sorry to hear this news - take all the time you need. We'll be right here.
[member="Auron Song"] I'm sorry to hear about your loss. All my positive thoughts to you.

It's only been you know...a month, but once I reply with Onley PLEASE don't feel pressure to reply. Take care of yourself and real life first. And my Skype is always open if you need to vent.

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