Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sorta of New

Hello everyone, My name's Bryce.

I'm using my actual name for this one mainly cause, eh why not. I like being friendly. Hi by the way. :)

And as the topic suggests i'm sorta of new. This profile is like 4 bloody years old, so i'm not really new, as in just very late to actually doing anything rp wise on this site.

Besides a few posts before i got punched in the gut by life. Anyways I look forward to rping with you guys and hope we have fun and a wonderful time. :D

Welcome to SWRP: Chaos Activity!

What are you looking for in a story or path for your Character? Maybe there are others here who could help jump-start your return here.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Welcome back to CHAOS, [member="Hishamori"]

I too peeked in here a few years ago, but never drew an account as a few of my favorite sites were still pumping along. I rode them down to the end pretty much, and then took a two year sabbatical from writing. Came back here on an invite from a fellow writer a year ago, and been pretty much active here since.

Anywho, enjoy your stay here and make lots of friends. :)
Thanks everyone. :) as to answer the question for how to jump start everything, i'm not sure. Still tumbling a few ideas in the brain, but once i got one i'll gladly let ya know!

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