Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sos Ryloth : Objective Two : Urban Anarchy

On the ground, the battles rage fiercely. We have engaged in combat in the capital, and our armed forces are struggling to advance because the Twi'leks can defend themselves well, so we must be careful not to walk into a trap.

We need to proceed meticulously until we can take down the headquarters of the capital to win the battle and claim Ryloth. In this war, the civilians are panicked, and we must be careful not to kill too many. Ruling over an empty world is not as interesting as it seems; our target is solely the military and taking the stronghold to make the rest fall like a stack of dominoes.

Our troops have therefore positioned themselves all around the strategic combat zone and are tightening the noose gradually while trying to contain pockets of resistance inside. If we can spare the innocents and those who surrender to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, that would be best. Families who did not ask to be caught in the middle of this conflict deserve some semblance of dignity.

However, if it turns out that they are traitors, then we will not hesitate to open fire. One must be ruthless with enemies and treat allies properly.

Will you be a brave soldier or a suicidal one? Will you finally be a strategist or rather a complete fool? Will you act alone or as a group?
I am calmly seated in my main ship's chair, straightening up and standing, taking a step forward with one hand holding my champagne glass. I activate the ship's general communications to address the SoS faction. Everyone can now see me on the main communication channel. Well, not everyone, only allied troops.

"Dear people of Summit of Star, today we must take Ryloth, we have three defined objectives, and the most deserving will be rewarded. Choose the path that suits you best and together let us move towards victory. This day will be marked by a black stone for our enemies and by a white stone for us.

On behalf of the faction, I wish you good luck."

I raise my clenched left fist forward to launch the main assault on the battle. The war chief having given his speech, the battle is officially on. I think there's no need for an overly complicated speech. Achieving victory is a simple enough objective, all I hope now is that the rest of the operations will go smoothly.

I will participate actively in the combat myself, either by coordinating the troops or by being on the ground. I am well aware that my position as leader makes me a prime target now, but I can no longer afford to back down. The transmissions cut off as I display a warm smile, then I sit back down in my seat to start watching the progress points move forward.

The space battle above us is also in full swing, the ships have engaged in combat; it's a general melee now. The three targets are now in motion. Capture the industrial sector, bring down the main base, and finally secure our domination of the airspace.

These three main objectives will bring us victory. For the occasion, I have asked Nyva to participate in the fight. She can help me as a sniper, and I fully intend to let off some steam myself. It's time for me to step out of the shadows and break my chains by achieving victory. After all, this is what I was taught at the Sith Academy. Well, it's time for practical work now.

Every time, I was the pawn of another; today, it's the opposite I am the one giving orders now. I display a determined look and will calmly get ready in the armory, preparing to go out to fight. I fully intend to be on the ground this time, I have a new lightsaber to test and new powers to showcase.

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus Lafi Lafi

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