|[Khato Vas Space Station: Situated on the Correlian Trade Spine / D'Aelgoth Trade Route Hyperlane intersection.]|
The Khato Vas. A trade station conveniently situated between two of the Galaxies many trade routes, this Spaceport played host to a vast array of beings. Everything could be bought here, from spice and guns to that new luxury carpet, or the droids you've been looking for. Everything. And as a result, everyone was welcome. It was one of those true neutral ports, yet unlike some of the other ports that claimed to be neutral, the security of the Khato Vas understood, accepted and occasionally put bets on the outcome of conflict between the various factions of the Galaxy. There was just one rule as far as the KVSF was concerned: Don't annihilate the station. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
It was this reputation for diversity that attracted Suhr to the station. She thrived on seeing cultures and people collide - Living on Nar Shaddaa had taught Suhr to appreciate the complete chaos that surrounds places like the KV. On the public transport there, she had seen three fights and been in one herself. Some human had thought to get a bit touchy feely with her Lekku, and found himself with a nasty injury to his nether regions. She smiled at the thought. Everyone had given her a wide birth since then.
As the ship docked in the station, Suhr stepped away from her co-travelers. She had no interest in staying with the same crowd, and soon found her way to a nearby cantina. A proper drink, maybe something with a bit of punch was needed. At least in Suhr's mind, anyway. The cantina was named "Verbos Drinks Emporium", and for some reason it reminded her of the Slippery Slopes. Perhaps it was the smell. Maybe it was the holo-twi'lek, methodically grinding against a holographic pole next to the bar. More likely it was the drink she found herself ordering - an Oldschool Juma Juice. According to the barkeep, the "Oldschool" in it's name alluded to it being an alcoholic drink. She was sure that there was some form of interesting story behind the term, or why an alcoholic Juma Juice was different from a normal Juma Juice, but for now she just wanted to sit and watch the Galaxy go past...
@[member="Nala Tu"] @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] @[member="Paega Anginous"] @[Member="Hood"] @[Member="Juthan'Athar"] @[member="Josiah Denko"]