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Auction Spaarti Auction [Nov 25th]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy


Spaarti Creations Auction Item 1

Biding starts at 10,000 credits

Spaarti Creations Auction Item 2


A date with [member="Amnell de Portiers"]

Biding starts at 1 credit
Spaarti is not responsible for any accidental or purposeful injury, sickness, or death that may ensue on this date. By placing a bid you have agreed to this and neither you nor your next of kin will seek legal action against Spaarti Creations or their affiliates.

Spaarti Creations Auction Item 3

Spaarti 1up

Biding starts at 10,000 credits
The beginning of Operation Phoenix the Spaarti 1up is exactly what it sounds like. A cloned fully force sensitive body with standard aging for you to jumper cable your soul into. Spaarti is still working out the kinks for none force users and force dead.

Spaarti Creations Special Item

copy of the "Fallanassi Datacron"
Bidding starts at 60,000 credits
Acquired from Isley Verd via Auction

"Fallanassi" Datacron
Wikia: Here
Obtained: Here then won via holonet auction
Contains a collection of information regarding the Fallanassi and their White Current It also houses basic instruction in the first step of White Current.

Auction ends November 26th 12pm Pacific Standard Time. Highest bids placed last will win.



1: These are more loose and chill auctions that are held via the holonet so first off just have fun with it.

2: If you're going to bet items and non credit objects try to make sure you can at least have a loose estimate of how much it would be worth. Not on the money but just a loose guess will work.

3: This is an IC auction, you can still make posts like "1.5 mil" or what not but its IN CHARACTER. Look at it like an online chat room.

4: There will be fierce credit checks for high bids on items. Like I will tear through the your companies sales reports, threads, submissions, planets, all that crap. So just be prepared for me to look now and hide your fade to black business deals.

Rule 5: Be sure to tag the person who last bid on the item you are currently bidding on.
None of these items hold any great amount of interest to me, but I need to get into the auction scene, and don't mind lining a pocket if I'm favorable towards someone.

5,000 credits to the date, I've paid more for Protocol Droids.
[member="Lord Ajihad"]
The crime lord raised an eyebrow when it said he had been outbid on the date. He was not at all interested in getting a significant other, he had enough options for such a thing as it was. However, he had done some research into this figure. She apparently had some kind of terminal disease. A disease the Nightbrother was confident he could cure. It wouldn't be a random act of kindness, however. She would owe him, and he held favors very valuable.​
Lot B- 12,000 credits
Galven had placed the bet of such an amount to be courteous, make the woman feel like she had worth and meaning, and upon finding out he was outbid nearly triple the amount, he felt as if it was a challenge. His Holders would certainly be upset, but he was going to ask for a raise anyway.

"15,000 credits to the date."

[member="Lord Ajihad"]
[member="Galven Solomon"]​
Ajihad shook his head. Some peasant probably just bid his salary on some random woman, and for what reason? Maybe he had taken too many testosterone pills and wanted to make a move on someone way out of his league.​
Lot B- 16,000 credits
He noticed the bid again, only a thousand? The person must be teasing him. He wasn't going to take that, it was an insult to him, and he was going to make the individual pay out.

Then another bid, probably a newcomer. Well, that was way overbidding. But Galven could do it.

"250,000 credits for the date."

[member="Lord Ajihad"] [member="Razor Shot"]
[member="Razor Shot"] [member="Lord Ajihad"]
You know, for overbidding, people seem to be alright with it, and you like to be a killjoy.

50,000,000 credits for the date. I can keep going. You'll have to break me.
Ajihad shook his head yet again. Why must this plebeian spite him so? Just as he was about to bid, a newcomer dropped a million credits on the date. While he wanted to help the girl out, it wasn't worth over a million credits. He let [member="Razor Shot"] take the date, however, the Fire Breathers were something else entirely. He could use them to develop his army.​
Lot A- 750,000 credits
OOC:/ My next question is do you have role played validation to have 50,000,000? That's basically top tier elite. Zaiden is an assassin role played for over 2 years, who lived with the utter basics as he built up his riches. Then he found he was a brother of a Countess, making him a Count. Now he is the God King of one of the largest populated rich planets in the galaxy.

He has more than enough money. But its been role played out. I'll wait to bid to find if you have validation, if so than I can and will continue. Zaiden rarely let's himself be outdone.

Zaiden glanced to the one who bid on the Breathers, and felt he recognized something about the aura he contained... Damien? How? Had his rival some how manipulated the young man? Either way, he was somehow related to Damien in a way.

"Hey, how about we split the rewards? I can add money to your bid so you retain majority, as long as I get one or two."

[member="Lord Ajihad"] [member="Galven Solomon"]

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