Miss Blonde
Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Spaarti Creations Promotional Unit
General Information
Intent: To create a unit to sell to the public and act as a reference for other NPC purchases.
Affiliation: Spaarti Creations
Availability: Common
Quality: C
Type: Infantry/Support roles
Strength: 180
Unit Description
With Spaarti's rise of clone soldiers and development of various schools and jobs for said soldiers, it was high time to mash them all together to create a basic and baseline unit to present to the galaxy as a whole. Something that was quick, simple, and effective that could be sold to consumers and have them use on the front lines as little as tomorrow.
The Spaarti baseline unit consists of one hundred infantry specialist, thirty combat engineers, thirty combat medics, and twenty snipers. Which of course is structured as your average military unit in terms of ranking. Officers, NCOs, Jr enlisted, so on and so forth. The unit is guaranteed to be combat effective as these clones have spent their entire lives growing up learning how to be the perfect warriors. They are taught their individual jobs to perfection as well as having the values of Mandalorian culture and tactics instilled within them.
Each clone comes with their own armor, weapons, and equipment. However a buyer can of course switch out their gear for whatever they want provided they let the clones get a feel a for their new equipment. The clones are most efficient when they are allowed to use their own equipment they were trained on, but this all really comes down to the buyer and what they want.
Of course each clone comes standard with two organic inhibitor chips. These chips help the clones monitor aggression levels, and a program that keeps them from committing atrocities such as genocide, or murdering innocent civilians in cold blood. However this chip can be put into a temporary shutdown by uttering a secret phrase that can be purchased from Spaarti Creations for a very large fee.
In summary the baseline clone unit operates much like any other military unit that a galactic military would have enlisted. They are well trained soldiers and of course can be defeated in combat much like the clone troopers of old were. But they are tough and capable warriors that will get results for whoever the buyer is.
Clone army development
Gear: Gear can be located for each individual trooper in Strength section.