Tanith Alde
Your Highness

Corporation Name: Spacebook Industries
Headquarters: Denon
Locations: Denon (Republic Branch Office, Headquarters), Voss (SSC Branch Office) , Sullust (GA Branch Office)
Operations: Holonet-Networking and Social Media
Rationale: The Company was created by Stacey as a means to connect people from all across the galaxy. Everyone deserves to be happy, by staying connected to their friends. With that idea, she went off and created the first Spacebook, a platnetwide network located on Coruscant, where Stacey was born. However, with the sacking of Coruscant, her empire was brought down, and is now being rebuilt in the heart of the Galactic Republic once again
Tier: Tier II
Description: Spacebook began as just a simple fun idea, to let people from across the Galaxy share their stories and connect. Families were no longer split by distance, friends were no longer worn down by time. With this, at the press of a button, one could learn just about anything one wanted about their dearest friends. Over time it evolved though, growing so much grander in scope, until it became what it is today. Though the guidance and absolutely endless enthusiasm of Stacey Seris, Founder and CEO of the group, it's finally becoming a common household name, with hundreds of thousands of users across the Galaxy
Spacebook Industries has but a single goal, to connect people. And this is done by hosting and streaming their information via the Holonet, allowing people to communicate and message each other via the most Intuitive interface even used before. Messages, Pictures, Videos and such can be exchanged and spoken about freely and without hassle, and now, your friends are never more than a few seconds away! Create an account today for free*!
*Spacebook Industries retains the right to save and store all personal information provided by you in it's databases, for ease of use of course. This is non-optional and cannot be opted out of. This data will never be made publicly available or shared with anyone*
*Unless we suddenly decide we want to
Subsidiaries: -
Parent Corporation: -
Primary Source: -