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Approved NPC Spacial Combat Aerial Rendition (SCAR) Group

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That light at the end of the tunnel leads to Hell
  • Intent: Creating a wing of fighter pilots who are more than capable of ground combat.
  • Image Credit: N/A
  • Role: Strike Team
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Commander Ewan Isaacs (NPC I used to play)
  • Unit Name: Spacial Combat And Rendition Wing(SCAR Wing)
  • Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
  • Classification: Advanced Recon
  • Description: SCAR Wing are combat experienced fighter pilots of varied backgrounds who have high marksmanship scores. the theory is that taking these individuals and testing their combat scores. Those who do not check out do not know the wiser and go back to their squadrons. Those who pass the scores move on to the next test, combat situations, again, if they do not pass, they go back to their squadrons. Those that do again, move on to the next test, and so on and so on. They are highly trained, highly intelligent, and mentally stable (they have psyche tests done throughout their "training").
  • Unit Size: Large (144 pilots/operators spread out over 12 squadrons)
  • Unit Availability: Rare
  • Unit Experience: Veteran (not trained if not already having been in combat)
  • Equipment:
  • Function: They are still learning and improving but SCAR pilots are getting just as good on the ground as they are in the air. Considered the same a "pathfinders" these operators handle themselves with lethal distinction when necessary and stealth when possible. SCARs are carrier-based and are more readily accessible operators than dedicated Special Forces. They do not need special transports as their fighters can carry them to their destination, they are more than capable of zero-G operations and boarding a capital ship in a small team, and conducting their operations. In a fighter, each pilot is ruthless in their actions, often redlining their equipment (and driving their support staff in the process) to get behind an opponent and not wasting missiles on them. Away from their fighters, they prefer a suppressed rifled weapon for that shot that takes down someone without others noticing, but they will fight in open combat just as efficiently.
  • THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS: If you think that crashed SCAR is out of their element, you're wrong.
  • ONE MINDSET: All the same training, all the same background, all the same mindset. They're not drones, they're individuals but they all are out for the same thing.
  • YOU'RE STILL PILOTS: They are getting better and better trained by the mission and by the day, but true "Special Operations" operators train for up to fourteen hours a day on their craft when not out on missions. They have a long way to go, especially since they are pilots primarily.
  • BACKUP ISN'T ON THE WAY: SCARs' advantage is that they are able to work long distances away from their FOBs. This of course means that if they get in trouble, they are pretty much on their own as it will take any real backup a while to get there.
When Commander Isaacs transferred from Special Forces to the Starfighter Corps, he figured that this was a new chapter in his career. When he gained the credentials of a squadron leader, the ace pilot was shot down in an ambush and forced to fight his way through an enemy-filled jungle to an LZ. His Special Forces training took over and he was able to make it with a fair amount of ease. The feeling that he had once this was over was simple, Ewan had the Special Forces "itch" again. He didn't transfer back, he wanted to do something special. Having read up about the legendary "Wraith Squadron", the operator wanted a wing of pilots who could fight in any arena. He was not delusional, Ewan did not believe that he could make them as good as the Paladin Rangers, or Omega Squad, but he could make something special.

After weeks and weeks of finding the right pilots and training them, a squadron was formed and flew on a couple of missions. The X-wings were magnificent as always, but what he wanted to do with the SCARs was not going to work with the infamous fighter. The new "Jackal" however was a different story. Soon he was approved for more and more pilots until finally a wing was formed. They are not where he wants them to be yet, but they are getting there.
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