Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rider on the Storm
I'm just updating my profile and introducing myself so I don't get cleaned out in a bot wipe or something. I know I wouldn't trust a blank profile that joins and never does anything.

I am a roleplayer... or a lurker. A bit of both. I'll likely be mostly inactive, but I do have solid plans for a character I've always wanted to do in the Star Wars universe. So when my schedule clears up and I feel into it, I'll become active and join an RP.

Ideally, I'm looking for an RP set in the Old Republic (pre-19 BBY) era where I can join as a Jedi. I like a lot of dialogue and little (or avoidable) violence. If anyone knows of such an RP where I can go about that direction, I'd be thankful.

Otherwise, I'm glad to be here. It's just that I have the social skills of a rock, so I find it difficult to be active on any kind of forum unless I'm doing something that specifically has my attention, such as RP.


Disney's Princess
[member="Joplin"] - Welcome. We don't do almost any Old Republic era RP, but ya never know. Otherwise, browse and explore to your hearts content. Hope to see you around in whatever capacity you can enjoy. Cheers. :D

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Hello @Joplin. :)

I don't know all yet about the flexibility of this board's time line. I too existed elsewhere during The time of The Galactic Empire just following Palpy's demise and had to tweak my profile to fit this time line, which by the way is set 850 years past The battle of Yavin...

But like Jay Scott Clark never know. Hope you lurk some more and discover that this group here...the writers here are pretty good at RPing. I'm quite happy with them, to say the least.
Anyway, welcome to Chaos and enjoy your stay...make a few friends too while you're at it. It's good for inspiration.

Stephanie Swail

[member="Joplin"] Welcome to Chaos, and Happy New Year! Keep the questions coming if you have any to get started.

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