C.C said:
It said in the Wookie that they had Enhanced senses, Increased speed, Increased strength and Healing abilities. So i took the things a normal human could do, and doubled it. Humans have been known to run at 75MHP, 75mph is as fast as a cheetah. So it's not as ridiculous as it might seem at first glance.
simply untrue. the fastest human ever- Usain Bolt.
The fastest human footspeed on record is 44.72 km/h (12.42m/s, 27.44 mph), seen during a 100 meters sprint (average speed between the 60th and the 80th meter) by Usain Bolt.[4]
The wookie did not state that a Near-human could break the land speed record. Neither of those two species, could really do anything substantial. The only thing that could be said is that the Shistvanen or whatever, could run for a
very long time. That also being said, I don't think the DNA of the two would be compatible for any sort of research or development, but hey, it's your character.
I understand you want to make a unique and powerful character, but there exists many things in the universe of Star Wars that could cover this without you having to break all logic and disregard science and biology. If you want to have a very strong and very fast character, I suggest going the route that [member="Ember Rekali"] did and go with force enhancement.
C.C said:
Alright anyone else want to come into the thread to tell me what i already know or is everybody done now? I heard them the first time.
If you know it's bad, why are you doing it?