Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC Sparkle

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Doc Mod - Cybernetic Savant

  • Intent: Create Tiz’ closest companion to date.
  • Image Credit: Generated by me using Gencraft
  • Role: Administrative Assistant, Lab Assistant, Friend
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Age: Two GSY
  • Model: Unique Design
  • Appearance: Slim body with feminine curves. Sparkle is white, gold and black with blue photoreceptors
  • Name: Sparkle
  • Loyalties: Tizdalle Jyll Tizdalle Jyll
  • Notable Equipment: Datapad linked to Tizdalle’s mainframe in her workshop
  • Skills: Sparkle is programmed for protocol and to a lesser degree etiquette. She can perform basic engineering feats as other humanoids can. She knows several languages and can do heavy computations quickly.
  • Languages:
  • Personality: Sparkle can be bubbly and personable with strangers entering Tiz’ business to snarky and sarcastic to Tiz herself.
  • Weapon of Choice: N/A
  • Combat Function: Sparkle is a non-combat droid. She can use her body as a weapon in a last ditch effort for survival or to protect Tizdalle, but has no combat programming.
  • Sparkle has been programmed with a wide knowledge base. She uses that knowledge to keep Tizdalle’s business running smoothly.
  • Sparkle is Tizdalle’s proxy to the world in a lot of cases. She is linked directly to Tizdalle’s mainframe giving Tiz instant access to anything Sparkle learns.
  • No combat prowess
  • No defensive features. Sparkle is vulnerable to all EMP attacks.

Tizdalle Jyll started her droid business at a young age, and quickly became aware that a teenage engineer did not give confidence to most potential clients. Having left her family, Tiz was also a bit lonely. She closed her shop for a few weeks and dedicated her entire energy to creating Sparkle. Since being activated Sparkle has evolved into Tiz’ closest friend and confidant.
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