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Approved Starship Spearhead-Class Heavy Assault Destroyer

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Manufacturer: Empire of the Lost Naval Corp of Engineering, Karl Von Strauss, Imperial Crusaders
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Length: Very High
Width: High
Height: Large
Size: Very Large
Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector



  • Classification: Flagship, Command Ship, Heavy Destroyer
  • Length: 2000 meters
  • Width: 1125 meters
  • Height: 500 meters
  • Armament: Extreme
    • [2] Turbo Plasma Disruptors
      • Are not initially deployed. when deplyed part of the armored dorsal hull opens up and these rise from the depths.
    • [6] Kyber-Imbued Heavy Octuple Turbolaser Barbettes
    • [6] Heavy Octuple Megamaser Barbettes
      • 2 sets of barbettes around the bridge section on both port and starboard. o - turbolaser, * - megamaser
        • [ o * o ] [ * o * ] (hopefully that makes sense, with the picture above)
    • [30] Kyber-Imbued Medium Quadruple Turbolaser Batteries
      • 15 are dorsally mounted, 15 are ventrally mounted
    • [40] Medium Triple Megamaser Batteries
      • Spread evenly
      • 6 are rear facing, 4 dorsal, 2 ventral
    • [26] Kyber-Imbued Twin 'Pop-Up' Short Range Turbolasers
      • 13 per broadside
    • [60] TCT-23 Twin Light Turbolaser Cannon Turret
      • Spread evenly
    • [30] Quadruple-Barreled Point Defense Laser Cannons
      • 15 dorsal, 15 ventral
    • [20] Quadruple-Barreled Point Defense Maser Cannons
      • 10 dorsal, 10 ventral
    • [4] RT-17 Repulsor-Tractor Beam Emitters
    • [40] Missile Tubes
  • Defenses: Very High
  • Hangar Space: High: 14
  • Hangar Allocations: 50/50 split below, but can be changed depending on the mission
    • Starfighters: 7 squadrons
    • Support Craft: 7 squadrons
  • Hyperdrive: Class 0.6, Backup Class 7.0
  • Battleship: This vessel has a large array of weaponry to potentially squash any opposition it meets. Additionally it has some Kyber-Imbued turbolasers for extra spicy damage. The Spearhead is a threat to any who would call it an enemy.
  • Defense: The Spearhead has an impressive triple-redundant shielding suite, with additional quadanium plating around the hull, and seigurium-reinforced hardpoints.
  • HIMS: The flagship of the Imperial Crusaders is equipped with a HIMS system reducing the effectivness of interdiction fields.
  • Primary/Secondary Bridges: This vessel has two bridges capable of directing all ship systems. Only one is active at a time, and can only be activated once the other bridge has ceased function.
  • Advanced Hyperdrive: The Spearhead is equipped with a Class 0.6 hyperdrive allowing it to traverse hyperspace quickly.
  • Speed: This vessel is fast for its weight class.
  • Turning Speed: While the Spearhead is fast, its turning radius is not the best
  • EMP/Ion Blasts: This vessel is equipped with advanced systems that are a boon to its operation, but being hit with EMP/Ion weaponry, after the shields are down, can drastically decrease its overall effectiveness.
  • Shield Domes: Like many imperial vessels before it, the Spearhead is equipped with shield domes. If taken out it would disable its shielding, aside from the Solar Ray Shield.
  • Backup Hyperdrive: Because the ship has many advanced systems, power is not usually routed to the backup hyperdrive. If it needed to be activated it would take a minimum of five minutes under perfect conditions.
After the design of the NCE-131/c Stork was approved by Moff Teckla Tane for use by the Crusaders, she requested that a Flagship be designed and built for the Imperial Crusaders as well. Knowing full well the Moff did not like to waste resources, Karl designed the Spearhead as such. But, like with all Karl's ships, it is a merge of form and function. No space is wasted on the Spearhead.

Its hull is ripe with advanced kyber-imbued weaponry, megamasers, and missiles. It also has two Turbo Plasma Disruptors hidden within the dorsal hull, this is for two reasons; one, never reveal your full hand, and two, some governments view disruptors as illegal weaponry and having huge ship-mounted plasma disruptors might cause concern that no one needs. Additionally, it has short range "pop-up" kyber-imbued turbolasers for close-range devestation.

Moving on to its defenses, the Spearhead has an impressive suite of shields ranging from Solar Ray to Xythan Force. Unfortunately due to power restrains amoung other reasons, only a few of these systems are triple redundant. Because, this vessel has shield domes and they are a known weakness, they've been reinforced with seigurium plating to make them more resistant to incoming damage, although it doesn't make them immune to damage. There are also seigurium plates reinforcing the nose of the ship and both its bridges. Additionally, the ship has quadanium plating throughout.

Amongst the standard and advanced features of the Spearhead, it has a wide range of advanced technologies that will keep it in a fight longer, detect and track faster, and improve maintanence. This ship is purpose built to lead a fleet of Imperial Crusaders, not to sit in a shipyard for minor repairs, which is why it has a suite of prototypers to enable that. Also, for the ease of the Grand Master, Moff Teckla Tane, there is a shuttle bay specifically designed for her nearer to the main bridge. It can only be accessed by her Quantum-Switch code key.

This purpose built vessel is perfectly built for what Moff Tane and the Imperial Crusaders need it for, to Spearhead assaults and crush the opposition.

"Quality. Perfection. Order."

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a Flagship for the Imperial Crusaders
Permissions: See Above

Technical Information

Affiliation: Empire of the Lost, Imperial Crusaders
Model: Spearhead-Class Heavy Assault Destroyer
Starship Class: Star Destroyer (1000m-2000m)
Starship Role: Command
Modular: No
Material: See Above
Armaments: Extreme (For Positions, See Above)
Turbo Plasma Disruptors
Kyber-Imbued Heavy Octuple Turbolaser Barbettes
Heavy Octuple Megamaser Barbettes
Kyber-Imbued Medium Quadruple Turbolaser Batteries
Medium Triple Megamaser Batteries
Kyber-Imbued Twin 'Pop-Up' Short Range Turbolasers
TCT-23 Twin Light Turbolaser Cannon Turrets
Quadruple-Barreled Point Defense Laser Cannons
Quadruple-Barreled Point Defense Maser Cannons
RT-17 Repulsor-Tractor Beam Emitters
Missile Tubes
Defense Rating: Very High
Speed Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: Low
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: High
Minimum Crew: 5000
Optimal Crew: 38000
Passenger Capacity: 6400
Cargo Capacity: Large
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