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Special Agent Anika Od'Manteiv

Tilda Sai

Full Name: Anika Od' Manteiv
Alias: Black Mamba
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Birthworld: Sirpar Hills, Anaxes
Legal Status: Holds Citizenship on Coruscant, Bastion, and Anaxes
Living Situation: Bastion
Occupation: Intelligence Agent

Military Rank:

IIB Special Agent

Personal Skills/ Strengths
Slicer ( Computer programming, Comp Repair, Comp Engineering, Encryption, holorecorder repair, Security,
Expert Marksman (Blaster, Heavy blaster, Vehicle Blasters)
Melee Combat (various combat styles)

Alien Species - Knowing facts and hearsay about other species
Intimidation/ Interrogation
Law Enforcement
Military History
Planetary Systems

Galactic Basic
High Galactic
Binary (Understands)
Shyriiwook (Understands)

Weaknesses : She is tied down to regulations and will not waver an inch from protocol.


Anika is the sole daughter and heiress of Admiral Jakob Od' Manteiv, coming from one of the most esteemed naval "generational families" of Anaxes.

The Admiral Od'Manteiv married Anika's mother due to duty and social responsibility. Coming from a long linage of loyal naval men, it was assumed that the firstborn child of said marriage would pave another generation.

Unfortunately, it was a rather difficult birth, with the result being Anika's birth and the subsequent inability for her mother to ever carry to term again.

Faced with this particular dishonor, Jakob never acknowledged Anika, saying that her genetic female deficiency would never bring the Od'Manteiv name honor. As such, Anika, with a rather die hard father complex, made it every effort to succeed above and beyond the male recruits in the Naval Academy. Yet no matter how much she tried, or how well she did, she never received any praise from her father.
Now dead, Anika still constantly serves to try and live up to the ghostly and unreachable expectations set by her father's ghost. By the book and just as cold, Anika is the perfect image of an officer.

Now assigned to intelligence, she serves with the utmost loyalty and dedication.


Training assignments
Ooo Barracuda (Training of Agent Cody Weadge)
Pre-Op Briefing (Taike Urumast)

Agent Cody Weadge

Training (In Conjunction with Special Agent Daine Kahoshi )
Nalia Alderana
Taikie Urumast


Operation Skim-Hop (Captain Kahoshi and Daine Kahoshi)
Crossed Wires (Maelion,Admiral Delek Wrentar)
Its a Trap!
YLRP - Return of the Vong

Shore Leave
Yule Ball
Gods of Iron (GA dominion of Yag'dhul)
In Case of Emergency (Galactic Alliance Dominion of Thyfe...
The Galactic Alliance Dominion of Belsavis

Tilda Sai

Well. I am from a long linage of Anaxi naval nobility. I have a father complex and I have to prove that I'm the best.

I just might. Depends on how it works out.

Tilda Sai

I'm open in this timeline to go wherever I can stick it to my father.

Daddy issues and all lol

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