Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Spetaddik the Wookiee


NAME: Spetaddik



SPECIES: Wookiee

AGE: 150

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 2.54 meters

WEIGHT: 150kg

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Light/dark brown, grey.


LANGUAGE: Shyriiwook, Xaczik

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Strengths: Spetaddik has all the natural strengths of a Wookiee. He is a good tracker and an excellent marksman. Spetaddik has a double-bladed lightsaber and is well-trained in lightsaber combat.

Weaknesses: When properly angered--by witnessing the death of a friend in battle, for example--Spetaddik goes into a berserker mode, destroying everything in sight. He has the potential to harm allies when in this state. He has had no training in the ways of the Force. Spetaddik has vision only in his right eye.

Most of Spetaddik's hair is light brown. On his arms and legs he has dark brown hair. There is some grey hair on his face, primariliy around his mouth, and a few on his right leg. He wears a patch over his left eye, taking it off only when he sleeps. Spetaddik carries a bowcaster (Lowwarr's bowcaster) crafted from metal and Wroshyr wood. Spetaddik has a double-bladed lightsaber willed to him by a Jedi who trained him in the art of lightsaber combat.

BIOGRAPHY: Spetaddik was born in Kachirho and lived there for most of his young life. At the age of 10, he and his best friend, Lowwarr, were playing with his father's bowcaster. Lowwarr was pointing it at Spetaddik when she accidentally fired it, hitting him in his right eye. Spetaddik survived, and despite the injury, grew to become the best marksman of the Wookiees in Kachirho, able to hit even moving targets with great accuracy. At the age of 15, a Jedi came to Kachirho. Spetaddik expressed an interest in lightsabers--because it was a weapon the young Wookiee had never seen before--and the Jedi offered to train him. At the age of 100, Spetaddik saw true combat for the first time--and discovered his Force sensitivity. Trandoshian slave traders came to Kachirho and kidnapped a group of Wookiee children. Lowwar and Spetaddik lead the rescue party and quickly tracked the Trandoshians down. During the ensuing battle, Lowwar was struck down. Seeing his best friend--and intended mate--killed sent Spetaddik into a blind rage. As he reached for the nearest Trandoshian, Spetaddik unknowingly tapped into the Force and sent the Trandoshian flying with a Force push. After the initial shock, both sides continued fighting, the Wookiees eventually winning thanks to Spetaddik going berserk. Half of the Wookiee children were killed, however.

A week later, Spetaddik decided to leave his homeworld, finding Kashyyyk a dark and lonely place without Lowwarr. 50 years later he traveled to Coruscant in search of a new purpose in life and to perhaps learn more about the Force.





ROLE-PLAYS: (In progress)
Update: Force-User info

Lightsaber: Blue. Double-bladed.

Lightbsaber Forms: Spetaddik was taught Shien and Niman. Level of Mastery: Master

Force Abilities (so far): Force Push. Level of Mastery: Padawan

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