Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Spice, Pirates, Violence, Oh My!

Space. The final frontier. The expanse. That ocean so vast. Sailors sail it at their own peril. The good. The bad. And the ugly. So many species, really, and one need not be specieist to believe that the Chevin was a pretty kriffing ugly thing. At least, one person did think, it was his opinion, and other persons tended to agree with him, such as the other pirates in his ship.

With the development of the hyperdrive, faster than light space travel became possible, from warp eight to warp nine or whatever. In this galaxy, this infinite sea, so many occupations were so very great for the escape in the odyssey. They made their own stories, really, from explorers to soldiers, colonists to warmongers for conquest, and of course those who follow the law and enforce it and…those who don’t.

They were the outlaws of outer space. Freedom was their way.

For some, they took this name further and became…PIRATES!

“Jack, you lazy bottom-feeding nerf-herding mother kriffer! Why is the rum gone!?” Asked Captain Sage’tare Baracco, though most know him as Sage, although most don’t know him anyway. He was no infamous pirate in name, too young in age maybe, but that would change someday.

“Why ya askin’ me, Cap!? Yer the one who drank it! Too moons or so ago!”

“I did?” Sitting in his cockpit, one leg over the armrest, elbow on the other armrest and fist on chin, his free hand lifted an empty bottle as his eye gazed into its naked bottom. “Shit.”

“Approaching the target ship in the distance!”
Another cerwmate called in the cockpit-bridge-whozitwotzit as conversation exchanged amid a full-fledged crew of pirates engaged in piracy business.

“What’s your vector, Victor?”
“We got clearance, Clarence.”
“Roger, Rodger.”

“Then wave the banner of the Endless Song like a Jolly Roger!” Sage slapped his black-leathered thigh, sat up straight, straightened the collar of his tan leather duster, and tossed the empty bottle of rum over his shoulder.

“OWWW! That hit me in me head, Cap’n!”

“Ready your stomachs and prepare to eat hearty! Hope you like hot cuisine, everybody, ‘cause spice can be spicy! That ship has it and I want it!” Sage palmed his fist. “TAKE US IN!”

Crix Maden Crix Maden

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