Corvetta Salvo
Always Crankin'
It seemed like some of these old smuggle pals were starting to come back. A recent run with Eliza had gotten Corvetta's spirits up, and, not long after, the spacer learned that one of their former Alliance guys, [member="Listeri Dalane"], was back in the game. Good smugglers never die.
Neither does the spice trade. While Salvo had reservations about transporting drugs--especially into Republic territory--it was a job and she needed one. And if you were going to agree to partner with a scoundrel on risky business like this, it had better be a scoundrel you can trust. That was why only a former Smugglers' Alliance member would do.
Ruddy cargo pants dragging along the ground as she strolled into the Nar Shaddaa hangar, Corvetta beheld the once-familiar freighter known by the name Starhound. Every good smuggling vessel had its nicks and scratches--stories in and of themselves--and Dalane's was no exception. "Where the frak you been, Listy?" she shouted as she approached the fellow pilot, a friendly wave helping to hail her arrival. "Been looking all over this frakkin' galaxy for your dirty mug."
Neither does the spice trade. While Salvo had reservations about transporting drugs--especially into Republic territory--it was a job and she needed one. And if you were going to agree to partner with a scoundrel on risky business like this, it had better be a scoundrel you can trust. That was why only a former Smugglers' Alliance member would do.
Ruddy cargo pants dragging along the ground as she strolled into the Nar Shaddaa hangar, Corvetta beheld the once-familiar freighter known by the name Starhound. Every good smuggling vessel had its nicks and scratches--stories in and of themselves--and Dalane's was no exception. "Where the frak you been, Listy?" she shouted as she approached the fellow pilot, a friendly wave helping to hail her arrival. "Been looking all over this frakkin' galaxy for your dirty mug."