Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Spire of Spiralling Out of Control

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Darth Hauntruss"]

And so it was done. From what Circe recollected through her connection with the One Sith, the individual known as Val'Ryss Zankarr had successfully developed a sanctum for herself here on the world of Metellos. As Circe had neither schemed nor planned with the woman in ages, that lovely lady whose relationship with her friends was most complexicated to say the least. But now was the time to scheme. Such was why she was now waiting at the doors to the spire, hoping to soon be allowed within the corrupted building.

Now was the time to have some fun.
Darth Hauntruss emerged from the exit to the landing pad of her dark spire. Passing by the large archways her dark cloak became animated by the high winds of the upper stratablocks of Metellos. It had been sometime since she talked to her long secret friend. Current events within the galaxy had revealed to her a series of conspiracies that have transpired. Who beast, but the mistress of networks and the dark underworld than Circe.

Approaching Circe, Hauntruss opened her arms to greet her old friend with wide open arms and short tilt of her head. "Ah Circe. I am pleased that you could meet my summons." Hauntruss hissed in glee, "Come, there is much I wish to discuss with you." Hauntruss rested her hand on Circe's lower back and directed her to her attendants as they guided them to the elevator inside an adjacent tower.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Circe gave a wide smile, embracing the fellow Sith Lord before looking back at her devilish eyes. "Glad to be here as well. You have no idea how long I've missed you... Then again, we were both at Alexandra Feanor's trial, though our interaction there was less than minimal, to say the least." Such was true - she had wished for the opportunity to talk to Val there, but it unfortunately had never come up. Still, as the two stepped into the elevator, the blonde corruptress was happy merely for the chance to be here with her dearest friend.

"In that case, I suppose we should begin discussing."

[member="Darth Hauntruss"]

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