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Spirit Prison

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Submission Name: Teyan Prison
Link to Submission: Teyan Prison
Summary of Modification:
New manufacturer
New template
Reason for Modification: At the time Sasori didn't have the resources to manufacture and now it does, additionally thread with the supreme chancellor to have the subs this writer created moved to my own company was approved.
Modification: New Manufacturer, New Template


Image Credits: http://images5.alpha.../446/446200.jpg
From the library of Ayden Cater this picture is awesome

Affiliation: Jedi order
Manufacturer: Sasori Research

Model: Ghost Prison
Modularity: N/A
Production: Unique (Only Your Character)
Turadium (doors)
Classification: Starbase

Height: 1,500m
Width: 500m
Length: 500m

Armaments: 16
10 quad turbolasers (40 capital)
10 quad ion cannons (40 capital)
10 point defense lasers (10 ship)
10 mass driver flak (10 ship)
2 heavy warhead launchers (16 capital)

Hangar: 1
One resupply ship and droid storage/security

Special Features:

300 Prisoners, 5000 droids, 500 Warden Droids, 1 jedi master

Detachable detention blocks
Hydroponics bay
Nullifying resin
Communications Array
Encryption Network
Escape Pods
Standard Deflector Shield Generator
Standard Detention Cells
Standard Life Support Systems
Standard Navigational Systems
Standard Sensor Array
Standard Targeting Systems
Tractor Beam [10]
Medical bay
Gymnasium module
Universal energy cells

Maneuverability Rating: 20
Speed Rating: 20
Hyperdrive Class: -


Designed to be self sustaining
Unknown Location
Able to hold powerful force users

Lost to most information source
Derelict without power

Description: Developed in secret by the jedi and hidden away by the jedi grandmaster of this time with the help of researcher and the architect Matsu Ike. It was modeled after the ancient Prism and hidden in the nearly impassable nebula. The warden and maintenance droids keeping the prison running as needed with minimal organic interaction. Supplies are brought in via droid pilots through the deep core and memory wiped before being sent back to Tython to be loaded for the next run. Prisoners are thoroughly searched and scanned then issued new sanitized clothing that comes from the prison. Their previous garments are discarded into an incinerator for security purposes. The anti riot and anti break out defenses will send prison blocks to drift in space with minimal air support. Individual prison cells can be ejected as well to the planet below, or sent into the nebula so the prisoners can suffocate. Locating the prison for councilors and the grandmaster is a matter of knowing what to search for and setting a course like flying to Ilum in the old Republic before the jedi set up a base there.

Development Thread:
Unknown Je'daii World:26 replies
Dathomir Investigation: 27 replies
Corellia Investigation: 65 replies
Ossus Investigation:84 Replies
Kashyyyk Investigation:12 replies
Ryloth investigation:45 replies
Iridonia Investigation:60 replies
Office of the Supreme Chancellor
Intent: To cash in our Brawl of the Dead investigations reward and have a Ghost Prison within the Apoligia Nebula secured over Teyan within the Apoligia Nebula: Grand Total: 319 posts
Who Can Use This: Jedi Order
Primary Source:

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