Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Splash Of Color


It'd been a long time since she last felt okay to just paint. Not because she'd been stranded on a random, uninhabited world for a month or two either. Something wrong had happened after Tython. Her encounter with Carnifex still plagued her minds. Not a nightmare, something tangible and real. An infection? No, more like a curse. A black spot in the world of colors her mind always saw. But time had helped her to see past it, just how she learned to see through the colors that blinded her to the real world.

But now she was painting again. Different colors dripped from her fingers as another spent spray can was tossed onto the pile. Iris really missed all of this, being able to paint. She stepped back, casually wiping more paint on her face as she wiped her brow. Oblivious to the fact she was only adding to the paint covering her face. The display on the wall was not too different from the usual murals she made. Bright, multiple colors that swirled together here and there. As close to the world she saw through the Force anyway.

"There. That should be good."

Nida Perl Nida Perl
Being in a temple made her surprisingly uncomfortable. Unworthy, unclean, she was a sinner. The last "temple" she'd set foot in was a Sith castle. Freshly erected out of the debris, this was a holy place.

Shuffling through the halls, Nida got a sense for just how new the reconstructed temple was. Its walls were sturdy, but barren—except for one section. A young woman stood in front of a fantastically colored mural, so fresh that the paint fumes were still detectable. The sight made Nida pause, giving her a few intriguing moments to take in the swirls of bright color. It made the room feel lighter, at least.

"Did you do this?" Turning to the young woman, she realized her question was redundant. Covered in the colors that she had chosen, the artist could have blended in seamlessly with her work. Mindful that her own curiosity could be mistaken for disapproval, Nida cleared her throat.

"It's lovely. Very refreshing."

Sith temples were drab by comparison.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


Iris blinked and glanced curiously over her shoulder to the new voice. It wasn't someone she knew. Oh no. Oh wait. Did she even have permission to be painting here? The Padawan gave a nervous smile. "Uh.. Am I in trouble if I say yes..?"

Not that she could deny it being red handed. And blue. Probably green too now that she looked at her paint covered fingers. Whoops.

"Well.. Um. Glad you like it? If I'm not in trouble- I mean who ever did this isn't in trouble."

Nida Perl Nida Perl
Nida blinked. So this was less of a sanctioned commission and more…graffiti?

Pleasing graffiti, at least.

"Well…" She turned towards the brightly speckled wall, three fingers gently pressed against her lower lip in thought. "I wouldn't have the authority to do anything, if this was not allowed."

What an odd thing to stumble across, now that she thought about it. Odd, but comfortingly human.

Straightening out from her thoughts, she turned towards the artist. "My name is Nida, and I am…ah, new here." She extended a hand, either forgetting or not caring that the latter was covered in paint. "Do you work for the Alliance?"

The force thrummed around the wide eyed painter, so Nida silently ventured that she'd encountered a Jedi. Concern hitched in her throat, wondering if her face—or name—would be recognized as a defector. A murderer.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


Iris certainly didn't seem to remember or care that she was covered in paint. Without hesitation she took the hand offered, shaking it gently. Didn't even matter the hand was unnaturally rough from the scarring. Or she was missing her pinky. And whether or not she even recognized the name didn't seem to matter. Nida's colors were bright, for the most part. The Padawan's oddly colored eyes scanned around the Zeltron, looking at something only her eyes could really see.

"The Jedi don't really work for the Alliance. But I do help them. Are you okay? You seem kinda.. Scared? Nervous?"

Nida Perl Nida Perl

Her hands were unexpectedly rough, but she didn't let surprise jerk her own hand back. Nida glanced down a the fresh paint smears on her fingers- a flowery blend of red and yellow. She left them for now.

"So you are a Jedi." Nida's hunch had been correct. "I'm…" she hadn't expected the directness, but accepted the question with a cautious smile. "I haven't been here- or to any Jedi temple, really- for a long time. I suppose I am nervous."

It felt strange to admit what was clearly so obvious out loud. Strange but good, like the painter who seemed to look past her and at her at the same time.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


"Mhmm! Padawan Iris!" Iris puffed out her chest, hands on her hips. Looking proud as ever at that. And she was, very proud to be a Jedi. Paint covered and all. Though the almost smug expression soon faded as her eyes shifted over the unseen aura around Nida. The colors there. Not just nervous. Guilt? The Keshian's smile turned far more sympathetic. She didn't know who Nida was, or what had her so nervous. But-

"Whatever you're feeling so guilty over, it'll be fine. You're a good person." The colors didn't lie. The Light within was as bright as any other Jedi she'd met.

"We should, um, though, uh." Her gaze shifted back to the still wet mural behind her. Then down the halls. More colors. She didn't hesitate, instead reaching out to take Nida's hand and pull the Zeltron along in a mad sprint.

"Shouldn't stay here, um. C'mon! This way!"

Nida Perl Nida Perl
"Whatever you're feeling so guilty over, it'll be fine. You're a good person."

Silently startled, Nida's head jerked upwards to meet Iris' gaze. She was certainly bold, but not particularly off putting. And in her head, apparently. A fellow empath?

"Wh-!" An involuntary squeak eased from Nida's throat as Iris grabbed her hand and raced down the hall, fleeing the scene of the crime thought twists and turns. Once they'd stopped, Nida was left panting, hands braced against her thighs.

"So you did not have explicit permission to paint the walls." This was coming from a convicted felon. "Iris, aren't you afraid you'll get in trouble?" Catching her breath, Nida straightened and fixed the girl with a concerned gaze. She wouldn't be turning her in, but now she was an accessory to crime.

"That was beautiful, though. I...think that the temple looks better with a bit of color."

Iris Arani Iris Arani


Iris was just a ball of laughter by the time the two finally came to a stop. All giggles between gasps for air. She certainly ran her hardest. Even when accused of the crime she was just all grins. "Life needs spontaneity to really be alive, right? Sooo yeah I didn't really get permission, but like you said, the temple needs color. Though, um. Sorry, for dragging you away, heh. Hopefully you don't get in trouble too."

Nida Perl Nida Perl
Nida huffed. Her first week at the temple and already she had a record.

…that was, if they were caught. She couldn't imagine that this would warrant anything more than being made to clean the training dummies, but still! You couldn't atone for your sins with a minor delinquency charge.

Yula would have disagreed.

"…Did anyone see us?" Peeking around the corner, the delicate arch of Nida's brow furrowed. Perhaps she could let this one slide. Spontaneity was not her specialty—they'd all seen how well a sudden change of heart went down for her on Yavin. Iris seemed entirely unbothered, though, and Nida envied her free spirit.

"Do you do this sort of thing a lot, Iris?"

Iris Arani Iris Arani


"No one's been following us, so I don't think we were seen." Iris let out another breath, finally getting her breathing under control. Not the grin though, that stayed wide as ever. And a giggle. She flashed an even wider grin before closing her eyes and just sat on the floor without a care.

"I've been painting since I was young. The Force is.. It's a lot of colors for me. Always, all the time. So bright that it's hard to see the world around me. Notice people, have conversations. It took a long time but I got to learn how to y'know, exist. But through paint I was able to communicate, I guess?

Nida Perl Nida Perl
That made Nida feel a little better. If they hadn't been seen…then perhaps, it really was alright.


As Iris slid to the floor and began to explain how she saw colors, Nida cocked her head to the side. Was that possible? It certainly wasn't something she'd heard of before, but many things were unknown to Nida. Seeing The Force as a spectrum of color was not particularly far-fetched in comparison to some of the more esoteric powers out there.

"I've never heard of that," Nida's voice held a distinct note of fascination as she neatly folded herself beside Iris, tucking her feet beneath her. "You see The Force as swirls of color and channel that into your art. I've never met anyone with such a fantastical ability."

Pausing, Nida place a hand to her own chest and gave the Padawan a small smile of humility.

"I'm sorry if I seemed…uptight earlier. It has been a long time since I've set foot in a Jedi temple. Have you been with the NJO for long, Iris?"

Iris Arani Iris Arani


"It's.. Something." Iris heald back from just dumping everything on a virtual stranger. Again. She'd had no issue doing that before. When she didn't know any better. Now? She smiled, opted instead to focus on what Nida said next. Uptight? Iris shook her head.

"You don't seem Uptight at all. Scared, nervous, worried about rejection and maybe people hating you, that I see. Nothing uptight. And.. A couple years, I think? Four, actually. At least. I didn'treally figure out how to track time till a couple yesrs ago."

Nida Perl Nida Perl
Iris' assessment was accurate. Honest, but tactfully so— Nida was anxious that people here would revile her. The few side eyes she'd received were nothing in comparison to the overwhelming support of the Jedi who'd supported her rehabilitation. Still, she was constantly holding her breath. Constantly waiting for the other shoe to fall.

Nida smiled tiredly. There was no point in trying to hide what Iris already knew. "…I suppose you are not wrong." The admission was easy, at least. "I've made some very poor decisions recently; I'm just surprised to be received so well."

Four years among the Jedi was enough to feel at home. Nida had been inducted by choice at 13, but many others had joined before they'd been capable of making their own decisions—or, much later in life. Modern Jedi orders were less strict in that regard, no longer requiring Padawans to be taken as younglings within the first few years of life.

Vaguely, Nida wondered if Iris's inability to track time was a result of her Forcr color-visions, or something else. Perhaps she had simply never been taught.

"And you like it? Being a Jedi, I mean. I started with the Silvers, but the NJO seems to be more involved in galactic affairs. Recently, at least."

Iris Arani Iris Arani


"Mm. You might not get the warmest reception from everyone. But, I'm not really like everyone else. Whatever you did, the only stain they have on your colors is guilt and regret. That just means you deserve the second chance you have."

Iris nodded slowly, smiling warm all over again. "I love it. I was a Silver too, actually. I painted the temple a couple times on Kashyyyk, heh. But, Master Valery found me after I painted the building of a slaver and stopped them from selling me. Then, took me on as her Padawan. She taught me.. Everything, really. There's a lot of people here, in the NJO. A lot of personalities. I'm not sure if you'll get along with everyone, but if you ever need a friend don't hesitate to come say hi."

Nida Perl Nida Perl
Learning that Iris was once a Silver as well came as a surprise—yet the more she would mill among the Jedi of the NJO, the less of a shock it would be to Nida. Many of them, she'd come to find out, had their start on Kashyyyk…or Ossus, even.

"I've met Master Noble—she's a friend of my older sister." The woman was like a beacon, if she had to describe Valery. A symbol of strength and hope. It came as no surprise that she had rescued and taken on Iris as a student.

Somehow, there was comfort in knowing that she might not get along with everyone—as if this was confirmation that it was okay not to be liked by everyone. The New Jedi, she'd heard, were a little rough around the edges. Less traditional than other Order than rose and fell.

Nida couldn't help but smile. Though Iris' head may have seemed to be in the clouds, she spoke plain and had a measure of wisdom you'd be hard pressed to find in even the most serene of Masters. It was hard to explain, but some things did not require an explanation.

"I'd like that, Iris. I don't have a lot of friends here so I might be visiting sooner than you'll think."

Iris Arani Iris Arani


"Your older sister?" Iris tilted her head. Did she know her? Maybe. How many Zealtron's did Valery know? None were coming to mind, but then again she didn't know much about Valery's friends. Maybe she should learn them at some point.

She chuckled though, after a moment. "Well, I guess that certainly makes us friends for sure. .. You hungry? I'm hungry. Temple food isn't actually that bad."

Nida Perl Nida Perl
Nida's head bobbed in affirmation. "My older sister Yula. She lives on Denon with her boyfriend. You might know him, Dagon Kaze?"

She knew that he was a Jedi, Nida didn't yet know just how much of a Jedi he was.

"Oh, yes. All of that running helped me work up an appetite." She realized that the nerves in her stomach had become unknotted too; did that mean she was at ease? "Anything is better than prison food."

A pause, and she flushed.

"I me-meant…anything is better than… prion food. Because they're so dangerous. For the brain. Our brains being the prion food.”

Yes Nida, that made sense and was very smooth. Good job.

Iris Arani Iris Arani



Iris blinked for a moment, seeming to think. Then blinked again. And immediately threw her arms around Nida's shoulders in a tight hug. "You're Yula's sister!? That's so great! Oh wow!" She pulled away with a grin, nodding once. Food, yeah.

"C'mon! I'll show you where the best places to eat here are." Whether she picked up on the embarrassment or worry or not, Iris didn't seem to linger on it. Instead she took Nida's hand again and started to pull her along through the halls, a much wider smile on her face.

Nida Perl Nida Perl
Nida blinked, a bit stiff due to the sudden nature of the hug. She patted Iris awkwardly on the back in reception. If she noticed Nida's slip up, Iris didn't seem to care.

As she was pulled along through the halls, she decided to bring up the question she has for nearly every Jedi she'd met so far.

"Wait…how do you know Yula?"

Iris Arani Iris Arani

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