Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Spoiler Alert!!! [Does not contain any actual spoilers]

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
With one month to go till Star Wars VII, I have one request... can we all just be gentlemen (or ladies) and not post any information at all about the movie, till at least 2 weeks after it comes out? For those of us who cannot afford to go on opening night, I don't want people to have to take a LOA from Star Wars Chaos, just because they want to see it spoiler-free.

So... please. Try not to drop any info 30 seconds after you go see SW VII on its midnight release. Please?

Also, spoiler alert.
[member="Jak Sandrow"]

But then where will we vent our dissapointment excitement?

As long as everything is tagged [Spoilers] and uses the /spoiler function you should be fine.
Maybe even ask Tef to add a TFA or Spoiler prefix to threads when the film comes out?

Connor Harrison

That's what the spoiler tags are for thought, aren't they? To hide spoilers? I'm sure we can post mild reviews without giving anything away, but if people do then mark a thread with SPOILERS or use the spoiler cover.

I for one will find it impossible NOT to talk about it with others or at least skirt around the story just to say what it's like to see SW back! :) don't HAVE to delve into the specific 'The Force Awakens' thread which is where I'm sure most of the activity will be posted.

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