Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Spoils to the Brave or Foolish



Vetru had called her up, citing the need for a slicer a bit more skilled than himself. A small crew to knock over a freighter bringing goods in for Kaal. What he hadn't shared were any details on the ship or the prize however.

An annoying detail, but one that kept competition limited.

A possible treasure trove depending on what they were moving. But also had the potential as being a huge bust given it was just a resort planet from her own research. But that was the name of the game really. Roll the dice on what the freighter was carrying and hope for the best. It was a decent chance though given it was a gathering place for the credit heavy beings of the galaxy. Kicking the doorframe on her way into the cockpit to speak with the captain as she finalized her search.

"Cheska lopey x'hoo pumba?" She lobbed the question his way, taking one of the copilot chairs, pulling a regular Viper from her pocket to light up.


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