Equipment: Powered Wheelchair, Enviroweave Blanket, Haywire I Armor over Viper Mk. I Skinsuit, Enviroweave Boots, Duraglide Boots with Boot Rockets
Dark Purple pair of Wrist Dazzlers, 7 Whimsy Knives, 3 Glitter Grenades, 2 Giggle Grenades, 1 Pink Vapor Grenade
Objective: Obj II
Anashja Tal
The bodyguard in question had been a temporary assignment, a means of testing their patience and attention to detail while working with someone incredibly close to the Empress. All a means to an end, but a difficult one for the soldiers. It was an assignment many had not stepped into lightly, especially given the ups and downs of emotion that they had to deal with from the girl.
The ward had wanted to visit the valley, with the rumors of some being from beyond reaching into the land of the living sparking interest in the solemn girl. They had snagged a few drinks along the way, the soldier carrying their rifle on a sling across their back while their sidearms sat in a thigh holster. The ward had brought their own gear surprisingly, annoyed at the need for help in donning the boots.
But it had been a good exercise for them both.
Now they strolled along a quiet path down the village as sounds fitting a haunted house came rolling through, save for the sharp and shrill scream that cut off eerily quickly. The guard felt something watching them, choosing to turn and look as Fel pushed herself into a lean and squinted.
"Hey...they don't seem so friendly." Fel suddenly cut into their thinking as her hands grabbed the wheels to stop forward motion. The soldier perked up, having been glancing to the rear as a strange feeling bubbled in his gut. He'd felt strange walking through the trailing end of the buildings as he switched on the power source for her wheelchair to free up his hands.
The chair's
HAPU generators in the wheels kicked on while it slowly powered up the
shield generator across the backrest of the seat. The soldier pulled the rifle from its spot, the whole thing slipping beneath their arm and into a properly seated fire position as he scanned the horizon. What looked to be civilians were in broken groups moving toward them.
Something pushing them toward the main street as Fel wheeled herself around and tugged at the mans armor.
"Let's get into a sturdy house." She informed him, his eyes darting between the obvious point of danger and the ward he was meant to guard. There was a howling, and both looked to each other as more people seemed to appear.
Slower, dragging themselves along.
"Agreed. You pick, I'll keep watch. Wanting to save some civies too?" He asked, rifle not yet pointed as his finger sat along the body of the rifle near the trigger assembly in preparation. His eyes picked through the approaching groups, head swiveling to the shambling forms as the rifle rose in the air and pointed to something that reminded him of the old horro holo-vids.
"Stand down and move aside!" He barked, the groaning of many filling the air as Fel wheeled back along the path they had come.
"Doo-do-do, we're in danger, doo-do-do doo do do, we're in danger." An inappropriately cheery tune coming from Fel as the two slowly moved away from the slowly ambling bodies that seemed intently focused on anything moving around them. There was a communication from elsewhere, and the name struck her as familiar as Fel tapped the line before the soldier could do so.
<<"Oh hey Anashja! How have you been? So this is Felmorante, and I'm here with...">> She nodded to the man, seeing the moment he realized she had forgotten his name and stared at her briefly.
<<"Sergeant Grumpy Pants. We have friends here...the not so friendly kind. See you in thirty! Bring guns! Felmorante out!">> She spoke before dedicating her attention to navigating the street.
"You forgot my name."
"Shut up, Arin Oxvald. I tried to think about it, and forgot it because I was thinking about it. So mleh!" Fel informed the man, getting a shake of the head as she spoke his name and stuck her tongue out at him as a further punctuation of the moment.
"That's fair." He smartly replied, switching the safety off his rifle and making a decision finally as the rifle let loose a round into the shambling crowd.