Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Sprockette
FACTION: Not really.
RANK: A material girl.
AGE: How rude.
SEX: Ew?
HEIGHT: Somewhere over two feet.
WEIGHT: I am quite lean thank you.
EYES: Teal
HAIR: Blue
SKIN: Har har real funny.
FORCE SENSITIVE: Witchcraft? No.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

+ Flexible - I was a ballerina once.
+ Dancer - Yeah, I can dance, but can you keep up with me?
+ Gearhead - I build and fix things.
+ Slicer - I get what I want when I want.
+ Ace - Wanna race?
+ Adventurous - I'm a thrill seeker.
+ Fearless - I love danger.
- Moody - Is that a problem?
- Prodigal - I love shopping!
- Sarcastic - Oh, aren't you observant?
- Arrogant - It's because I am smarter than you.
- Mischievous - I'm a trickster by nature.
- Cog - He's my best friend.


Well, let's see. I am pretty, obviously. My fur is royal blue to match my personality. I have teal eyes that glisten in the night. I like to wear beads in my hair. I like to wear tight clothing because I am quite confident of my figure, but it also serves to compliment my dexterity and agility. I love long boots. I have a collection of them, and a compartment dedicated to my plethora of cosmetics. I don't like people with horrid tempers. They make me impatient. I don't like rude people especially when they drink and smoke. So gross, but if you have a strong physical appearance and can lift heavy machinery with ease I just might give you shot and pay attention. Not much else to tell, spacer, I'm just me. Deal with it.


Hm, okay, well back on my homeworld I am daughter of a junkyard salesman. What? Don't give me that look. It is a respectable job! Anyway, My papa taught me everything he knows from slicing, mechanics, to even flying my own first civilian combat vehicle! Mama, she's alright. Most of the time she just complains that papa works too much. Personally, I think she's just jealous because papa pays more attention to me than her. I don't blame him. I am more entertaining and quite a riot at times. This is my buddy Cog. I built him myself with my papa's spare parts and stuff lying around. He is quite useful when I was at home. He is the only friend I have and I prefer it that way. After my papa made enough with a few business deals he surprised me one morning with my very own ship! Well, technically it was his, but I did make my very own modifications in it! That counts right?

Currently, my papa's business is not doing so great so I wanted to help him. So, I borrowed his ship, well, kinda. I will bring it back, eventually, I promise. I have to help him somehow, right? I took Cog with me, too. I can't fly this thing without him.




So violent.


I wish.



Race Day

[Do not write under my profile please, thank you]

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