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Approved Species Squee

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  • Intent: To create a new Species to be cute, adorable, and worthy of pets.
  • ​Image Credit: X
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Name: Squee (Singular and Plural)
  • Designation: Non-Sentient
  • Origins: Rishi
  • Average Lifespan: 10 years
  • Estimated Population: Inter-Planetary
  • Description: Squees are small creatures weighing approximately 1.14 kilograms. Native to the Jungle world of Rishi, they prefer warmer climates and feasting on Jungle flora. Their fur is typically white, silver, gray, or black, with colored highlights. Species in the wild typically are silver with black highlights, any other coloration is the result of mutation or selective breeding.
  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average Height of Adults: 15 Centimeters
  • Average Length of Adults: 38.5 Centimeters
  • Skin color: Grey
  • Hair color: White, Gray, Silver, or Black, Various highlights
  • Distinctions: Squee are small furred creatures akin to rodents. When they vocalize, twin sacs perched behind their eyes expand, creating a chirping sound. Squee have claws used to pry fruits from growth stalks, and dig burrows. Squee reach adulthood at one year.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive
  • Cute AF: Look at this fella. Look.
  • Fast Reproduction: Squee have an extremely short gestation period, as with many small rodent creatures.
  • Scurry: Squee are good at moving quickly through cluttered environments such as their native jungle undergrowth
  • Forager: Squee are good at locating and digging for fruits or other items (if trained)
  • Weak: The Squee have no natural defenses, instincts tell it to flee in the face of danger
  • Limited Diet: The Squee are very selective in the wild, only eating a very small selection of fruits native to Rishi.
  • Warm Climate: In spite of the fur coat, the Squee is not built for cold weather, and fares poorly in environments colder than "Temperate"
  • Diet: Herbivore
    Various Rishi fruits
  • No currently known uniquely poisonous substances

[*]Communication: Chirps, squeaks, squeals, some body language.
[*]Technology level: N/A
[*]Religion/Beliefs: N/A
[*]General behavior: Squee are generally pack creatures, roaming the jungles of Rishi in packs of 5-8 creatures, including young. They typically establish colonies in underground burrows, and seek out food in the surrounding area. If food becomes scarce or predators become too numerous, the colony will relocate to a new burrow. They use their claws to dig burrows and puncture shells on various tropical fruits. When not foraging for food, the Squee can be found near the various streams and ponds around Rishi sunbathing or grooming themselves. A rather playful species, they can often be observed frolicking in the small clearings amid the jungle, but only if the observer is well hidden. As the Squee has no natural defenses, it will flee if it suspects danger.
The Squee first rose to prominence in the Rishi eco-system after the events of the Gulag Plague, leading many biologists to believe they are the result of the Gulag plague mutating another species, or a species that evolved in the absence of a species that was eradicated outright by the mysterious plague. Whatever their origins, the species established itself quite comfortably on Rishi, though were soon artificially planted in other worlds.

Though the species does not thrive in the wild beyond the tropics of Rishi, they can live quite comfortably on a wide range of temperate to tropical worlds as domestic pets, and a market for Pet Squee has become quite wide-spread, making them easy to obtain as pets. Though not sentient, the animals are quite intelligent, and can be trained to dig for small items on command, making them great finders. Sadly, they do not make for formidable combatants, owing both to their size and calm temperament.
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