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Approved Ranged Weapon Squib Repulsor Broom

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Manufacturer: Squib Merchandising Consortium (
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Very Heavy
Size: Very Large


Squib Name: Pawketti-bamblam

Image Source:, prompted by me, edited in paintshop​

  • Powerful Tensor Weapon which sends massive waves of repulsive force across 100,000 kilometers of space, clearing away asteroids, debris, dust, and other particulate matter in a cone of up to 100,000 km distance and 100 km diameter.
  • Uses a particular modulation of repulsor energy which will not penetrate shield systems, ensuring that any shielded spacecraft are undamaged by the 'broom.'
  • Clears a long, wide area of debris and obstacles, including asteroids, starship hulls and pieces, gasses, clouds, and any particulates.
  • Massive recoil will destroy a firing ship or installation if it is not at least 1,000 meters in size.
  • Firing ship or installation will be pushed back at Low speeds when weapon is fired, which must be compensated for by active thrust unless the firing ship wishes to be pushed back.
  • Firing ship must drop its own shields for 10 seconds before firing the weapon, or else residual shield envelope will disrupt the repulsive waves.
  • Weapon has no effect on shielded targets. Even unshielded targets are not 'crushed' but rather pushed aside.
  • Takes 1 minute to re-load (charge up) after being fired. [Treat as a one shot artillery that takes a long time to reload]
  • Individual solid objects 5 kilometers or greater in size are not moved by the broom.
The Squib Repulsor 'broom' is a cute name for a powerful capital ship 'weapon' system that typically does no damage to structures or vehicles. Instead, it is designed to clear a wide swath through a field of debris, an asteroid field, or nebula gas, or other particulates. Typically installed on only the largest of Squib Momships (due to the required size of the firing vessel) this Squib tensor weapon sends powerful waves of repulsive force through the void, clearing space for a Squib flotilla to enter dense or dangerous domains. The Squib mastery of Tensor weapons technology has allowed them to produce what might have been a superweapon in any other hands. But this 'weapon' is specially modulated and adjusted to cause the output of the 'broom' to become disrupted in the presence of shield systems. This makes it especially unlikely that shielded ships in the area of effect will be harmed by the broom, although collisions with 'brushed aside' debris may still be a concern. The broom will move asteroids, salvage debris, nebula gasses, and other particles and particulates from a wide, long cone of effect, allowing Squib salvage vehicles to enter an otherwise congested zone with confidence.

While this is a Squib innovation, the Squib Merchandising Consortium will sell it to interested parties.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create a Squib Tensor Weapon that can clear a congested area of space
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Squib Merchandising Consortium
Modular: No
Effective Range: Battlefield
Rate of Fire: Single Shot
Material: Electronics, Duranium, Gravitic Pulse Generator, Repulsor Parts
Ammunition Type: Starship Reactor Power or Starbase power
Ammunition Capacity: Tiny
Damage Output: Very Low
Recoil: Very High
Ranged Class: Other
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