Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Ranged Weapon Squib Tensor Cannon

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Manufacturer: Squib Merchandising Consortium (
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Heavy
Size: Large


Squib Name: Pawketti-bamblam

Image Source: prompted by me​

  • Can behave as a powerful tractor/repulsor device in utilitarian service
  • Can shove an enemy ship with the power of a high-velocity asteroid impact, crushing armor and buckling hull sections.
  • Variable output allows it to be used as a less-lethal device.
  • Tractor/Repulsor tech is legal in almost every jurisdiction of the galaxy.
  • Many people are unfamiliar with the use of Tensor devices as weapons, so they can be surprising.
  • Tractor Shrouds significantly diminish the damage capability of the weapon.
  • A vessel using this on maximum output must account for the push or pull of the weapon's recoil on flight characteristics.
The Squib are masters of tractor beam technology, and have armed most of their vessels not with traditional shipborne weapons, but rather with powerful Tensor Cannons. These weapons use tractor and repulsor beams to either manipulate objects to throw them as weapons or shields, or to directly push upon enemy vessels with the strength of asteroid impacts. They can also be used as traditional tractor beams to seize or pull in an object or vessel. The Squib are very creative with the use of their Tensor Cannons, just as they are with all of their Tensor Weapons.

Because these weapons use tractor beam technology, countermeasures specifically designed to inhibit the use of tractor beams can make them far less effective.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To describe the Squib Tensor Cannon
Permissions: NA

Technical Information

Affiliation: Squib characters
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Long Range
Rate of Fire: Semi-Automatic
Material: Standard Turbolaser and Tractor Beam Components
Ammunition Type: Starship Reactor Power or Vehicle power
Ammunition Capacity: Very Large
Damage Output: Very High
Recoil: High
Ranged Class: Other
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