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Approved Ranged Weapon Squib Tensor Pistol

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Manufacturer: Squib Merchandising Consortium (
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Average
Size: Small


Squib Name: Pawketti-bamblam

Image Source:
edited in paintshop by me.​

  • Can shove a target, crush a target, or pulp a target. (Variable power knob.)
  • Can be placed in 'Reverse' mode and used to pull the user in a direction, or pull an object towards the user.
  • Damage caused is 'kinetic' rather than typical 'energy' damage.
  • Surprisingly powerful
  • Utilitarian
  • Force feedback on user requires braced stance or even securing to a surface if using high damage modes.
Squib Tensor Weapons technology is an example of the species' mastery over tractor technology, which exceeds that of most other species in the galaxy. Using Tractor and Pressor beams, it can push with a variable amount of force, creating effects ranging from an impolite shove to cellular disruption. It can also be used to pull the user, or pull an object towards the user, making it a very utilitarian weapon. Because it is labeled as 'less lethal' and uses 'civilian safe' tractor beam tech, it can even be carried on many worlds that have blaster restrictions. These worlds would probably revise their laws if they ever saw a Tensor weapon operated on maximum settings.

The weapon does have some drawbacks, as it produces force-feedback on the user. This requires the diminutive Squib who frequently use the weapons to 'lean in' to the shot and even to anchor themselves with Bounding Boots or similar technology if they wish to avoid being thrown back when firing the gun on high settings. Some Squib have learned a type of Tensor-kazi to use the recoil of the weapons to their advantage in combat, with varying degrees of success. Mostly it's just amusing to watch them fly backwards and bounce off of walls while engaging in acrobatics of questionable efficacy.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a Tensor Pistol as part of the Squib panoply of tractor based weapons.
Permissions: NA

Technical Information

Affiliation: Any Squib Characters
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Average
Rate of Fire: Semi-Automatic
Material: Standard Blaster Components and Tractor/Pressor parts
Ammunition Type: Power cell
Ammunition Capacity: Average
Damage Output: Very High
Recoil: High
Ranged Class: Pistol
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