Image Source: Link
Intent: To create a blaster rifle specifically for use by the armies of the Sith Order.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Ignus Industries
Model: SR-22 Blaster Rifle
Affiliation: The Sith Order
- Stock: There are several different options for stocks, but the three main ones are fixed (comes built into the gun and cannot be switched out), folding (allows the stock to be folded to the side to make the gun slightly shorter and more optimal in close quarters) and collapsing (basically the same as folding, but it collapses in on itself).
- Sights: The top mount comes with two connections for two different sights. A medium range optical sight allows for efficiency on most battlefields, while a short range laser sight is good for close quarters combat.
Production: Major
Material: Blaster Components, Duranium, Plasteel
Classification: Blaster
Size: Handheld
Length: 1100 mm
Weight: 4.3 kg
Ammunition Type: Power Cell and Gas Canister.
Ammunition Capacity: Power pack capacity of 75 shots. Gas canister capacity of 450 shots.
Effective Range: Equivelant to a standard blaster rifle
Rate of Fire: Selective
Special Features:
- Rate of Fire: The SR-22 comes with a selective rate of fire, allowing it to be fired semi-automatic, in three shot bursts, or full-automatic. The latter is not advised except in dire circumstances.
- Multi-Seat Rail: The top rail has two connections on it, allowing the site to be swapped out. A medium range site can be used on most battlefields, but in close quarters combat (in a building, on a ship), a seat for a laser sight is offered.
- Rate of Fire: Allows for the rifle to be used effectively in most situations, and function with pivotal accuracy at medium range or as a suppressant in close range.
- Capacity: It has a greater firing capacity than most standard rifles.
- Modularity: Can be outfitted for close or medium range.
- Rate of Fire: While the rifle can fire at automatic rates, this has a tendency to overheat the barrel and cause it to shatter, often to the detriment of the user.
- Mobility: Despite its upsides, it's a rather long rifle, and on the heavier side as a result, making lugging it around sometimes a bit more cumbersome than shorter rifles such as the E-11.
The Sith Order sent a representative to speak with Ignus Industries about a contract to manufacture arms for their forces. Being a company bent on neutrality, and with information that the Order could make good on their payments, the company accepted the contract for arms and armor. As a result, they ultimately set to working on each piece. For the weapon, it was decided that a longer rifle would hold more firepower without the need for timely reloading of the gas canister, always a problem with any gun, and it gets more shots from the power pack as well. With the selective fire function, and the possible stock and sight loadouts, the weapon can serve dual rules or singular depending on the soldier and their preference. The burst fire function allows for greater crowd control without overheating the gun, and the single fire option allows for greater accuracy.
While the gun does have the option to be used in a rapid fire rate when in circumstances that would warrant it, those same circumstances tend to lead to continual firing beyond what's necessary, which has a tendency to overheat the guns barrel, causing it to explode. Often times this has proven to cause injury to the user in the form of a lost hand or shrapnel imbedded into the torso and face. Armor can help prevent this, but armor isn't a cure-all. In addition, to make all of this possible the gun was elongated, making it heavier and therefore reduces mobility on the battlefield.
Primary Source: N/A