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Approved Tech Sronias, A Queen's Ring

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Manufacturer: Darth Empyrean
Type: N/A
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Weightless
Size: Very Small

  • Jin'Jsina Core
    • Made of a thin band of Darksteel, the core of the ring is considered on par with phrik in durability - and also carries a hardy capacity for alchemy and enchantment. For this reason, the interior band is heavily lined with ur-Kittat symbolage. With close inspection, one might even be able to tell how to recreate the alchemy - although its intricate and careful design would require a master's touch to replicate, let alone understand.
  • Alchemized Ice-Like Sith Crystaline Weapon
    • Rather than a true diamond surrounded by crescent moons, the Sronias holds an artificial form of kyber similar to ice in sensation to all but the wearer. This crystal can expand to form armor of robust quality, capable of blocking a variety of blows. Its more dangerous aspect, however, is that it is capable of spreading to someone else. By surrounding them in crystal, the Sronias can effectively become a prison on demand.
  • Soul Aligned
    • Due to the strength of the ring, and its natural affinity and ties to the Corpse Emperor Darth Empyrean, it has been imbued with a semi-sentient form of ownership similar to that of a holocron. It can tell who wears it, and unless they are a Talon, or related to his bloodline, the full strength of the ring should not be available. This can be outdone with specialized alchemic processes, but is difficult to do.
  • Ice Castle -
    • Capable of forming temporary crystalline armor and shielding, both connected to the user and otherwise, the strength of the Sronias allows it to become a hardy defensive weapon that can systematically block a variety of strikes coming at the user - even semi autonomously, where possible. This crystal defensive structure carries the properties of synthetic ice - that is to say, it is extremely cold to the touch, but far more resistant to strikes or weaponry, on par with durasteel in most regards.
  • Blizzard -
    • In addition to being a defensive implement, the ring is also capable of forming large crystalline structures on others that the wearer touches. These remain so long as the wearer wishes, and due to their durasteel like strength, they are extremely difficult to break. This can be used to immobilize opponents, or slow them down enough for an advantage in a duel. This can affect multiple targets at once, however this is dependent on strength - the stronger the target(s), the less one can actually take hold.
  • Jin'Jsina -
    • Due to its creation, the Sronias is immune to sudden destruction by Force Light. That is to say, the person wielding the ring is not immune, only the ring itself can not be destroyed by the conventional means of Force light, something other alchemized objects are often destroyed by. In addition, the strength of the Jin'Jsina allows a mild improvement to Force acuity, similar to feeling a clarity in its use - though nothing so significant as a boost in strength.
  • Jin'Jsina -
    • Although the strengths of the Jin'Jsina are great, the creation of the material requires significant crimes. Due to this, their is a latent screaming that can be heard around the ring through the Force. To a Sith, this is not truly a bother due to the nature of the Dark Side, but to a Jedi, it can feel like nails on a chalkboard. It draws the Light to it, and makes hiding with it almost impossible.
  • Hypothermia -
    • Overuse of the ring, such as that in serious combat, can cause the ice to begin to fall out of the user's control. In this case, it can in very serious situations, begin to creep up the own wearers arm and freeze them. In these situations, it takes serious focus to pull it back to its containment - causing it to become a dangerous two sided blade when wielded by someone who is incapable.
  • Cold Blooded -
    • The rings themselves have no counter to ysalamiri or void stones - meaning that within a field, the ice crystals can not be formed, and should the ring itself be subjected to said fields, they will also not form or even be usable until removed from said field. Within a nullifying field, the ring will essentially be little more than what it appears to be - a piece of jewelry.
The ring known as Sronias was made by Darth Empyrean, the Emperor of the Sith Empire, and husband of Srina Talon Srina Talon . It was created as a gift for her, and named after her idealic 'icy' nature, and such it was given the name of Ice in the ur-Kittat language. A simple band of Jin'Jsina with hidden and extremely detailed runic symbolage made the ring hard to notice as an alchemic weapon unless one has the sense to feel it through the Force.​
Past this, it is a number of kyber crystal that have the reminiscent look of ice, set in light gold bevels. The central and largest kyber crystal is flanked by crescent moons, a symbol of the Talon family. The icy nature of it, however, is a nod towards Srina's own disposition, and the way many view the Dread Empress. This natural distance inspired the core purpose and magicks of the ring.​
From the central and auxiliary kyber crystals, the ring is capable of forming large crystal plates connected to the user, other users, or even remotely. These crystal shields form quickly, and are similar to the strength of durasteel in purpose. They are temporary, and recede on the wearer's command - but are capable of holding another person should they come into direct contact with the hand wearing said ring. It would spread from the ring to the person, and begin to contain them like a crystal tomb. It is capable of doing so almost autonomously, working as a secondary shielding when the wearer is attacked.​
For these many reasons, it was purpose built as a protective instrument and fashionable gift for the Empress of the Sith Empire - a reminder of the Emperor's love and adoration, even when he is incapable of showing it in more traditional ways. A gift for his wife, in a ring carefully designed for her enjoyment.​

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a gift for Srina Talon.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Srina Talon
Model: Sronias, A Queen's Ring
Modular: No
Material: Jin'Jsina
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Factory Judge
Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

Quick question about the ring.

The armor that is able to be summoned, is that reliant upon the force? and if so, can an small explanation to how defensive this armor is for the wearer?

Also, the Weight Category needs to be filled with a Rating. "None" would work fine due to its size.
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