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Approved Tech SRP-100 'Silent Sail' Repulsorlift Pack

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SRP-100 'Silent Sail' Repulsorlift Pack
-Aft View-

  • Manufacturer: Tampson Consolidated, a subsidiary of the House Mecetti Nationalized Industries, with production licensed to other manufacturers
  • Affiliation: Empire of the Lost
  • Market Status: Closed Market
  • Model: SRP-100 'Silent Sail' Repulsorlift Pack
  • Modularity: Yes
    • Can be incorporated into outfits and uniforms
    • External appearance can be adjusted to fit needed operational profiles
    • Can connect to additional equipment, and even provide a power source
  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Durasteel, Repulsor Belt Components, Disruption Sonic Bubble Generator Components
  • Allows Repulsorlift Flight
  • Has compressed air thrusters that accelerate wearer up to 200 KPH
  • Provides a bubble of silence around the wearer
  • Can share its power supply
  • Fast movement
  • Silent movement
  • Can power attached weapon systems and equipment
  • Can silence carried gear
  • Can only operate for 2 hours of flight time before powercells need to be replaced or recharged
  • If operating outside of an atmosphere, the compressed air thrusters don't function, and speed is limited to 20 KPH
  • If pack is used to power attached weapon systems and equipment, flight time is shortened.
The SRP-100 Silent Sail Repulsorlift Pack enables special operators to fly in complete silence across the battlefield. This is thanks to a Disruption Sonic Bubble Generator which can prevent sound from exiting a 1 meter sphere around the operator. This will not only silence the flight pack, but also any weapons carried by the operator. Further, the powecells which provide power to the pack can be connected to additional equipment, allowing them to siphon power for their own needs. In order to assure quick approaches and getaways, compressed air thrusters allow the operator to zoom across the battlefield at 200 kilometers per hour.

Stealth. Versatility. Power. The Silent Sail is everything the modern special operator needs.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti

Looks good, however you cannot use the Santhe Corporation as Manufacturer without permission, because it is not your company. I would like to ask you to ask a permission or remove it from the Manufacturer.
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