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Approved Tech SS-Military Grade - Biogreen Habitation Module

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Manufacturer: Starcraft Shipyards
Type: N/A
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Heavy
Size: Very Large
Biogreen Habitation Module

Special thanks to Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol for Inspiration with- Aquaponics Facility
And to Akar Rhonvogg Akar Rhonvogg for the Localized Ecosystem Reboot Pack (L.E.R.P.)
And to
Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau For several plants


Agricultural and Environmental Systems

Agricultural and Terraforming Materials

  • Moisture Farming Equipment: Harvests atmospheric water on arid planets.
  • Farming Tools and Equipment: Includes soil enhancers, planters, and growth mediums for setting up agricultural farming.
  • Terraforming Materials: Nutrient-rich soil, plant growth accelerators, and microbial cultures to enrich and stabilize planetary environments.
  • Advanced Irrigation Systems: Includes drip irrigation, sprinkler systems, and humidity control to optimize water use.
  • Soil Remediation Kits: Tools and materials for detoxifying and revitalizing contaminated or depleted soils.
  • Environmental Sensors: Devices to monitor soil quality, moisture levels, and atmospheric conditions.
  • Automated Drone Planters: Drones equipped with planting mechanisms to distribute seeds and soil enhancers efficiently.
  • Composting Systems: Equipment to recycle organic waste into nutrient-rich compost for soil enrichment.
  • Weather Modification Devices: Technology to influence local weather patterns, such as inducing rain or dispersing clouds to manage sunlight exposure.
  • Geothermal Heating Systems: Utilizes geothermal energy to maintain optimal soil and air temperatures in various climates.

Food Production and Harvesting
  • Automated Harvesting Equipment: Robotic systems designed for efficient and precise harvesting of crops.
  • Processing Area: Dedicated space for cleaning, sorting, and preparing harvested produce for consumption or storage.
  • Storage and Preservation: Climate-controlled units for storing and preserving harvested food, including refrigeration and drying facilities.
  • Hydroponic Nutrient Mixers: Automated systems for mixing and delivering nutrient solutions to hydroponic plants.
  • Packaging Systems: Automated machinery for packaging food products in various forms (fresh, dried, canned).
  • Fermentation Units: Equipment for fermenting food items, useful for preserving and enhancing nutritional value.
  • Dehydrators: Machines for drying fruits, vegetables, and herbs to extend shelf life.
  • Freezing Units: Advanced freezing technology to maintain the freshness of perishable goods.
  • Quality Control Stations: Areas equipped with sensors and testing equipment to ensure food safety and quality.
  • Seed Harvesting and Processing: Systems for collecting and processing seeds from mature plants for future planting.

Greenhouse Air Management System (GAMS)
  • Air Circulation and Humidity Control: Systems to regulate air flow and maintain optimal humidity levels for plant growth.
  • CO2 Scrubbers and Oxygen Generators: Devices to balance CO2 and oxygen levels, enhancing photosynthesis and plant health.
  • Temperature Control: Automated systems to monitor and adjust the greenhouse temperature to optimal levels for different plant species.
  • Air Purification Systems: Filters and purifiers to remove pollutants and pathogens from the air.
  • Ventilation Systems: Mechanisms for bringing in fresh air and expelling stale air to maintain air quality.
  • Heat Recovery Systems: Devices to capture and reuse heat energy, improving energy efficiency.
  • Light Diffusion Systems: Technology to ensure even distribution of natural and artificial light throughout the greenhouse.
  • UV and Pest Control Lights: Specialized lighting to control pests and enhance plant growth by providing necessary UV rays.

Heuristically Learning Controlled Environment
  • Droid Brain: Controlled by a heuristically learning droid brain programmed with various aquaponics management routines.
  • Agricultural Sensors: Specialized sensors monitor the environment of hydroponics vats and aquariums.
  • Automated Data Analysis: Continuous analysis of environmental data to optimize growing conditions.
  • Adaptive Learning Algorithms: Systems that learn and adjust to changing environmental conditions and plant needs.
  • Remote Monitoring and Control: Allows for off-site management and adjustments via secure network connections.
  • Predictive Maintenance: Systems that predict and alert for maintenance needs based on usage patterns and sensor data.
  • Interactive User Interface: Touchscreen panels and voice commands for easy human interaction and control.

Hydroponic Plant Cultivation Units (HPCUs)
  • LED Grow Lights: Energy-efficient lights providing the full spectrum needed for plant growth.
  • Nutrient Delivery System: Automated systems delivering the right mix of nutrients to plants.
  • Vertical Farming Racks: Space-efficient racks allowing for multiple levels of plant cultivation.
  • Automated pH and EC Monitoring: Systems that monitor and adjust pH and electrical conductivity for optimal nutrient absorption.
  • Water Recycling System: Reuses water within the hydroponic system, reducing waste.
  • Integrated Pest Management: Non-toxic solutions for managing pests within the hydroponic environment.
  • Modular Design: Units can be easily expanded or reconfigured based on space and plant needs.

Localized Ecosystem Reboot Pack (L.E.R.P.) Localized Ecosystem Reboot Pack (L.E.R.P.) Akar Rhonvogg Akar Rhonvogg
  • Toxin Emitters: Refitted emitters disperse water vapor enhanced with plant growth stimulants (Jasmonic Acid) for rapid plant growth.
  • Seed Launcher: Disperses plant matter within a 500-meter radius, kickstarting a micro-ecosystem.
  • Portable: Highly portable with automated processes, suitable for rehabilitating localized ecosystems.
  • Automated Deployment: Can be deployed remotely or manually for ease of use in various environments.
  • Solar-Powered: Operates on solar energy, making it sustainable and suitable for remote locations.
  • Microbial Inoculants: Releases beneficial microbes to enhance soil health and promote plant growth.
  • Integrated Sensors: Monitors environmental conditions and adjusts dispersal rates for optimal ecosystem reboot.

Monitoring and Control System
  • Centralized Control Hub: A main control center that oversees all systems within the module.
  • Data Analytics and AI: Utilizes artificial intelligence to analyze data and optimize operations.
  • Remote Access: Allows for remote monitoring and management via secure internet connections.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Provides continuous, real-time data on environmental conditions and system performance.
  • Alert Systems: Sends alerts for any anomalies, maintenance needs, or emergency situations.
  • Historical Data Logging: Stores historical data for trend analysis and system improvements.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive interface for easy control and monitoring of the entire system.

Solar Panels
  • Energy Harvesting: Solar panels for natural light and energy harvesting, reducing dependency on external power sources.
  • High-Efficiency Photovoltaic Cells: Advanced cells that maximize energy conversion efficiency.
  • Battery Storage: Integrated battery systems to store excess energy for use during low sunlight conditions.
  • Automated Tracking: Solar panels equipped with tracking systems to follow the sun's movement, optimizing energy capture.
  • Durable Construction: Designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions.
  • Easy Maintenance: Simple cleaning and maintenance procedures to ensure long-term performance.
  • Expandable Systems: Capability to add more panels as energy needs grow.

Sprinkler and Irrigation Systems
  • Automated Sprinkler Systems: Programmable sprinklers that ensure even water distribution across all plant areas.
  • Water-Efficient Drip Irrigation: Drip systems that deliver water directly to the plant roots, minimizing water waste.
  • Smart Irrigation Controllers: Controllers that adjust watering schedules based on soil moisture levels and weather conditions.
  • Rainwater Harvesting Integration: Systems that collect and use rainwater for irrigation purposes.
  • Subsurface Irrigation: Delivers water below the soil surface, reducing evaporation and water loss.
  • Fertilizer Injectors: Integrates fertilization with irrigation, providing nutrients directly to plants through the water system.
  • Leak Detection Sensors: Monitors for leaks and alerts users to prevent water waste and damage.

Seed Vault
  • Cataloging System: A detailed database for tracking and managing seed varieties.
  • Climate-Controlled Storage: Environmentally controlled storage to maintain optimal conditions for seed preservation.
  • Seed Preservation Techniques: Advanced methods such as cryopreservation, desiccation, and vacuum-sealing to extend seed viability.
  • Security Systems: Enhanced security measures to protect valuable seed stock.
  • Automated Retrieval: Robotic systems to efficiently retrieve and restock seeds as needed.
  • Genetic Diversity Monitoring: Ensures a wide variety of genetic traits are preserved.
  • Backup Storage: Redundant storage locations for safeguarding seed stock in case of primary storage failure.

Aquatic and Animal Systems

Aquaponics System

  • Decomposers: Earthworms, Red Wigglers (Composting Worms)
  • Pest Control: Ants, Ladybugs, Praying Mantises
  • Pollinators: Butterflies, Honeybees
  • Predatory Insects: Predatory beetles, parasitic wasps to manage pest populations.
  • Beneficial Nematodes: Microscopic organisms that help control soil pests.

Beneficial Organisms
  • Decomposers: Earthworms, Red Wigglers (Composting Worms)
  • Pest Control: Ants, Ladybugs, Praying Mantises
  • Pollinators: Butterflies, Honeybees

Plant and Fungi Systems

Beneficial Fungi

  • Bioluminescent Mushrooms: Providesnatural lighting and aesthetic value.
    • Examples: Panellus stipticus, Omphalotus olearius.
  • Button Mushrooms:Common edible mushrooms for food production.
    • Examples: Agaricus bisporus (white, crimini, portobello).
  • Mycorrhizal Fungi:Enhances nutrient uptake and soil health by forming symbiotic relationships with plant roots.
    • Examples: Tricholoma matsutake, Glomus intraradices.
  • Oyster Mushrooms:Edible mushrooms known for their rapid growth and versatility in cooking.
    • Examples: Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus eryngii.
  • Shiitake Mushrooms:Valued for their culinary and medicinal properties.
    • Examples: Lentinula edodes.

Seed Vault: Types of Seeds

Edible Plants


  • Blueberries: Vaccinium corymbosum
  • Citrus Trees (dwarf varieties): Citrus sinensis, Citrus limon
  • Melons: Cucumis melo, Citrullus lanatus
  • Strawberries: Fragaria × ananassa
  • Apples: Malus domestica
  • Bananas: Musa acuminata
  • Grapes: Vitis vinifera
  • Peaches: Prunus persica
  • Pears: Pyrus communis
  • Pineapples: Ananas comosus
  • Plums: Prunus domestica
  • Raspberries: Rubus idaeus
  • Watermelon: Citrullus lanatus
  • Avocados: Persea americana
  • Mangoes: Mangifera indica
  • Papayas: Carica papaya
  • Cherries: Prunus avium
  • Figs: Ficus carica
  • Pomegranates: Punica granatum
Grains and Cereals
  • Barley: Hordeum vulgare
  • Quinoa: Chenopodium quinoa
  • Rice: Oryza sativa
  • Wheat: Triticum aestivum
  • Basil: Ocimum basilicum
  • Cilantro: Coriandrum sativum
  • Parsley: Petroselinum crispum
  • Thyme: Thymus vulgaris
  • Sage: Salvia officinalis
  • Saffron: Crocus sativus
Leafy Greens
  • Kale: Brassica oleracea var. sabellica
  • Lettuce (various types): Lactuca sativa
  • Spinach: Spinacia oleracea
  • Swiss Chard: Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris
  • Broccoli: Brassica oleracea var. italica
  • Cauliflower: Brassica oleracea var. botrytis
  • Beans (various types): Phaseolus vulgaris
  • Chickpeas: Cicer arietinum
  • Lentils: Lens culinaris
  • Peas: Pisum sativum
Root Vegetables
  • Beets: Beta vulgaris
  • Carrots: Daucus carota
  • Radishes: Raphanus sativus
  • Turnips: Brassica rapa subsp. rapa
  • Potatoes: Solanum tuberosum
Fruit-bearing Plants
  • Bell Peppers: Capsicum annuum
  • Cucumbers: Cucumis sativus
  • Squash: Cucurbita pepo
  • Tomatoes: Solanum lycopersicum
Tea Plants
  • Green Tea: Camellia sinensis (Green Tea)
  • White Tea: Camellia sinensis var. sinensis
  • Black Tea: Camellia sinensis var. assamica
  • Red Tea: Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis)
  • Jasmine Tea: Green tea scented with jasmine blossoms
  • Butterfly Pea Tea: Clitoria ternatea
  • Rosehip Tea: Made from the fruits of the wild rose
  • Chamomile Tea: Made from dried chamomile flowers
Spice Plants

  • Cinnamon Trees: Cinnamomum verum (True Cinnamon), Cinnamomum cassia (Cassia Cinnamon)
  • Black Pepper Plants: Piper nigrum
  • Cardamom Plants: Elettaria cardamomum
  • Clove Trees: Syzygium aromaticum
  • Ginger Plants: Zingiber officinale
  • Turmeric Plants: Curcuma longa
  • Vanilla Orchids: Vanilla planifolia
Flowering Plants

  • Daisies: Bellis perennis
  • Lavender: Lavandula angustifolia
  • Marigolds: Tagetes erecta
  • Orchids: Orchidaceae family (various species)
  • Petunias: Petunia × atkinsiana
  • Roses: Rosa spp.
  • Sunflowers: Helianthus annuus
Medicinal and Functional Plants

  • Aloe Vera: For skin treatment. (Aloe barbadensis miller)
  • Chamomile: Relaxation and sleep aid. (Matricaria chamomilla)
  • Echinacea: Immune support. (Echinacea purpurea)
  • Lavender: Stress relief. (Lavandula angustifolia)
  • Peppermint: Digestive health. (Mentha × piperita)
Additional Plants

  • Self-Sustaining Ecosystem: Integrates plants, animals, and fungi to create a balanced and self-sustaining ecosystem.
  • Resource Efficiency: Utilizes advanced recycling systems for air, water, and nutrients, minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency.
  • Biodiversity: Supports a wide variety of plant species, beneficial insects, and fungi, enhancing resilience and ecological balance.
  • Advanced Technology: Equipped with automated systems for climate control, irrigation, and harvesting, reducing manual labor and optimizing growth conditions.
  • Emergency Preparedness: Features backup power supplies, emergency air and water systems, and disaster recovery protocols.
  • Space Requirements: The module requires significant space within the starship to accommodate the diverse habitats and systems.
  • Maintenance: Regular maintenance and potential repairs are necessary to keep all systems functioning optimally, which may require specialized knowledge and tools.
The Biogreen Habitation Module is an advanced, self-sustaining ecosystem designed for starship crews on extended missions. It integrates agricultural, aquaponic, and hydroponic systems to produce fresh food, manage waste, and maintain air and water quality. Key features include automated harvesting, climate control, moisture farming, and a diverse seed vault. The module supports various plant species, beneficial insects, fungi, and fish, ensuring a balanced and resilient environment. Equipped with advanced monitoring and control systems, it maximizes resource efficiency, biodiversity, and emergency preparedness, making it ideal for long-term space missions and potential terraforming efforts.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To make a bio house mod for ships
Permissions: See abouve special features

Technical Information

Affiliation: Braze, Starcraft Shipyards
Modular: Yes
Material: Various
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