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Approved Tech SS-Military Grade Defense Package: Basic

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Manufacturer: Starcraft Shipyards
Type: N/A
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Average
Size: Average
SS-Military Grade Defense Package: Basic

Shielding Systems

  • Energy Shields
    • Deflector Shields: Strong barrier against energy-based attacks, capable of deflecting laser blasts, plasma shots, and other energy weapons.
    • Redundant Deflector Shield Generators: Multiple layers of energy shields ensure that if one fails, another is immediately activated, providing continuous protection.
    • Ray Shield Generator: Specifically designed to shield against energy rays, providing an additional layer of protection against focused energy attacks.
  • Physical Shields
    • Anticoncussion Field Generators: Numerous projectors create an umbrella-shaped magnetic field inside the ship, absorbing and dispersing kinetic energy from high-impact physical attacks and explosions, improving the integrity of floors, walls, and ceilings.
    • Resonance-Absorptive Shield (RAS): Absorbs and disperses resonance energy from attacks, enhancing the integrity of surfaces and reducing damage from kinetic impacts and sonic weapons.

Hull and Armor Plating

  • Reinforced Plating
    • Reinforced Titanium-alloy Hull Plating: Strong and lightweight, this plating enhances the ship's durability without adding excessive weight.
    • Turadium Armor Plating: Extremely tough and durable, this armor is resistant to many forms of attack, providing superior protection in combat situations.
  • Structural Materials
    • Alusteel Frame: A lightweight and durable frame structure that supports the ship's overall integrity and resilience.
    • Condensed-matter Composite: Reinforces the overall structural strength of the ship, making it more resistant to damage.
  • Protective Coatings
    • Carbo-plas Outer Shell: Lightweight yet sturdy exterior protection that shields the ship from external damage.
    • Transparisteel Viewports: Durable, transparent material for critical viewing areas, offering visibility while maintaining protection.
    • Polymerized Ceramics Coating (PCC): Acid-proof coating that forms a durable, protective barrier on the exterior of the ship, preventing corrosion and maintaining structural integrity even in corrosive environments.

Additional Defensive Measures

  • Electronic Systems
    • Tactical Sensor Jamming Device: A powerful jamming system designed to hinder enemy sensors and targeting computers, blocking communications in the area while not affecting the host craft's systems. The effectiveness of this system depends on various factors and can be influenced by the enemy's countermeasures and tactics.
    • Electronic Countermeasure Suite: Designed to fool enemy sensors, creating false readings or no information, thereby enhancing stealth and evasion capabilities. The effectiveness of this system depends on various factors and can be influenced by the enemy's countermeasures and tactics.
  • Repair Systems
    • Automated Repair Drones with Animated Metal Sealant: These advanced drones quickly repair damage during combat, using animated metal sealant to restore integrity, ensuring the ship remains operational.
  • Environmental Protections
    • Environmental Defenses: Enhanced radiation shielding and anti-boarding measures protect the crew and ship from environmental hazards and unauthorized intrusions.
    • Heat Dispersion Vents: Efficiently draw heat away from vital locations and discharge it into space, preventing overheating and maintaining optimal performance.
  • Weapon Countermeasures
    • Antimissile Octets: Fast-firing, fast-tracking missile-interception projectiles that fill the path of incoming missiles with shrapnel, detonating them before they reach their target.
    • Missile Deactivation Transmitters: Emit a deactivation signal designed to neutralize enemy missiles, reducing the likelihood of them reaching the ship. The effectiveness of this system depends on various factors and can be influenced by the enemy's countermeasures and tactics.
    • Damage Reduction Component: Generates an ablative energy current through the hull, reducing damage from attacks and enhancing durability.
    • Navigational Deflector System: Keeps the space ahead clear of small and microscopic debris, preventing damage during travel.
  • Crash Protection and Internal Safeties
    • Inertial Dampeners: Reduces the effects of sudden acceleration and deceleration, protecting the crew and ship systems during high-speed maneuvers or crashes.
    • Emergency Bulkheads: Automatically seal off damaged sections of the ship to prevent the spread of fire, loss of atmosphere, or flooding.
  • Core Defense Capabilities: The package offers essential shields and armor, making it versatile and capable of withstanding common types of attacks, from energy-based weapons to physical projectiles.
  • Limited Advanced Features: The basic package lacks some of the more specialized and advanced defense systems, potentially making it less effective against highly advanced or specialized threats.

The SS-Military Grade Defense Package: Basic provides essential shielding and defense for starships, offering core protection against common threats. This package includes key energy and physical shields, reinforced hull plating, and essential electronic warfare systems. It ensures operational reliability with automated repair systems and environmental defenses. Ideal for starships needing robust yet straightforward protection without the complexity and resource demands of advanced systems.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To make a basic defense mod for ships
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Braze, Starcraft Shipyards
Model: N/A
Modular: Yes
Material: Various
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Braze Braze

Very nicely made and detailed sub! However, you are being too absolute in these parts. I mean, I know it's up to the user to decide whether or not to activate the missiles, but in this formulation it sounds like the enemy has no chance of hitting the ship equipped with this protection, so it's pretty godmodding.
For this reason, please rephrase this as you did the Electronic Systems part, as in this case it is up to the other player to decide how successful this is.
Electronic Systems
  • Tactical Sensor Jamming Device: Powerful jamming system hinders enemy sensors and targeting computers, blocking communications in the area while not affecting the host craft's systems.
  • Electronic Countermeasure Suite: Designed to fool enemy sensors, creating false readings or no information, enhancing stealth and evasion capabilities.
Missile Deactivation Transmitters: Detect and deactivate enemy missiles by sending a deactivation signal, preventing them from reaching the ship.

Electronic Systems

  • Tactical Sensor Jamming Device: A powerful jamming system designed to hinder enemy sensors and targeting computers, blocking communications in the area while not affecting the host craft's systems. The effectiveness of this system depends on various factors and can be influenced by the enemy's countermeasures and tactics.
  • Electronic Countermeasure Suite: Designed to fool enemy sensors, creating false readings or no information, thereby enhancing stealth and evasion capabilities. The effectiveness of this system depends on various factors and can be influenced by the enemy's countermeasures and tactics.

Missile Deactivation Transmitters: Emit a deactivation signal designed to neutralize enemy missiles, reducing the likelihood of them reaching the ship. The effectiveness of this system depends on various factors and can be influenced by the enemy's countermeasures and tactics.
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