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Approved Tech SS-Military Grade Intelligence Package: Basic

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Manufacturer: Starcraft Shipyards
Type: N/A
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Average
Size: Average
The effectiveness of these systems depends on various factors and can be influenced by the enemy's countermeasures, tactics, and compatibility.

Core Modules

Cyber Defense Matrix
Comprehensive cybersecurity system protecting against slicing, data breaches, and electronic warfare.
  • Advanced Encryption: Secures all communications and data transmissions.
  • Intrusion Detection System (IDS): Monitors network activity for signs of unauthorized access or suspicious behavior.
  • Automated Response Protocols: Instantly isolates and neutralizes detected threats.
  • Data Wipe Mechanism: Automatically destroys sensitive data if a breach is detected.
  • Firewall Enhancements: Multi-layered defense against cyber attacks.
  • CipherQ-7 Programming Language: A unique programming language developed by Starcraft Shipyards, designed for secure and efficient coding of defense systems.
  • ObfusCrypt Encryption Protocol: An advanced encryption protocol created by Starcraft Shipyards, ensuring a high level of data security.
  • SentrySys Operating Language: A proprietary system language by Starcraft Shipyards, used to optimize and secure internal operations of the Cyber Defense Matrix.
  • SecuraNet Protocol Suite: A comprehensive suite of communication and system protocols developed by Starcraft Shipyards, ensuring secure and seamless integration across all ship systems.
  • ISD Protocol and Procedures: Intrusion Suppression and Detection (ISD) protocol, featuring advanced procedures for identifying, isolating, and counteracting cyber threats in real-time.
Anti-Slicing and Countermeasures
Advanced technologies and procedures specifically designed to detect, prevent, and counteract slicing attempts.
  • Slicer Shield: An advanced defensive algorithm that detects and repels slicing attempts by monitoring for unauthorized access patterns and abnormal system behavior.
  • Code Scrambler: Continuously alters the system's code structures to make it extremely difficult for slicers to establish a foothold within the network.
  • Slicer Traceback: Identifies and traces the source of slicing attempts, providing critical information for counter-slicing operations.
  • Adaptive Firewalls: Employs machine learning to dynamically adjust firewall settings in response to evolving slicing techniques.
  • Neural Net Defenses: Utilizes artificial intelligence to predict and counteract slicing strategies based on historical data and real-time analysis.
  • Decoy Systems: Deploys false data and honeypot systems to mislead and trap slicers, preventing them from accessing actual sensitive information.
  • Secure Partitioning: Segments critical systems into isolated networks to limit the impact of successful slicing attempts and prevent lateral movement within the system.
Hackion Offense Suite
Advanced slicing tools and techniques for offensive cyber operations, designed to penetrate and manipulate enemy systems.
  • Infiltration Algorithms: Sophisticated algorithms designed to bypass enemy firewalls and security measures.
  • Data Extraction Tools: Specialized tools for extracting sensitive data from enemy systems without detection.
  • System Override Modules: Enables temporary control of enemy systems, allowing for manipulation of functions such as weaponry, navigation, and communications.
  • Decryption Engines: Powerful engines capable of breaking enemy encryption protocols to access secured data.
  • Network Worms: Deployable worms that spread through enemy networks, disrupting operations and gathering intelligence.
  • EMP Surge Attackers: Disables enemy electronics through targeted electromagnetic pulses, providing a window for slicing activities.

Advanced Communications Suite

Communications Array
An integrated system for secure, long-range communications.
  • Communications Array: High-power antenna array for wide-range communication.
  • Communication Wave De-Scrambler: De-scrambles encrypted enemy communications.
  • Comm Laser: High-speed, line-of-sight communication beam.
  • Hyperwave Comm Scanner: Scans for hyperwave communication signals.
  • Hyperwave Transceiver: Facilitates real-time communication across the galaxy.
  • ShadowLink TacNet: Secure network for real-time battlefield communication.
  • Encryption Module: Advanced encryption for communications.
  • Frequency Jammer: Jams enemy communication frequencies.
  • Ion-Scramblers: Protects communications from ion disruptions.
  • Holonet Transceiver: Connects to the galaxy-wide Holonet.
  • Sub-space Transceiver: Facilitates fast communication.
  • PTP Link: Point-to-point communication link.
  • PTP Encryption Device: Ensures point-to-point communications are secure.

Advanced Sensory Systems

Environmental Sensors
High-precision sensors for comprehensive environmental scanning.
  • Sensor Arrays: Detects a wide range of environmental factors.
  • Radiation Screener: Monitors radiation levels.
  • Electro Photo Receptors: High-sensitivity optical sensors.
  • Aural Sensors: Advanced audio sensors capable of detecting sound waves.
  • Gravitic Sensors: Measures gravitational fields.
  • Life Form Indicator: Detects the presence of life forms.
  • Battlefield Holographic Control Interface: Displays real-time battlefield data in a holographic format.
  • Hyperwave Signal Interceptor: Intercepts hyperwave signals.
  • Energy-Wave Detector: Detects various forms of energy waves.
  • Anti-Ion Emission Tracer: Tracks ion emissions.
  • Targeting Computer Linkup Visors: Interfaces with targeting systems.
  • Sensor Warning Receiver: Alerts crew to incoming threats.
  • Sonar Technology: Utilizes sound waves to detect objects underwater.
  • Seismic Monitors: Detects ground vibrations and seismic activities.
  • Barometric Pressure Sensors: Measures atmospheric pressure.
Visual Sensors
Comprehensive visual data collection and analysis.
  • Enhanced Optics: Precise targeting and analysis.
  • Electrobinoculars: Enhanced visual capabilities.
  • Holo-imager: Captures holographic images.
  • Infrared Vision: Allows vision in the infrared spectrum.
  • Night Vision: Enhances vision in low light.
  • Range Finder: Measures distance to targets.
  • Multi-Frequency Targeting and Acquisition System: Advanced targeting system.
  • Multi-Spectral Target Assessor: Analyzes multiple spectra for targeting.
  • X-ray Vision: Allows vision through solid objects.
  • Telescopic Magnification Kit: Enhances distant viewing.
  • Ultraviolet Sensor: Detects ultraviolet light.
  • Thermal Scanner: Detects heat signatures.
  • Smart Sensor Optics: Advanced optical capabilities.
  • Vidsensor: Captures and processes visual data.
  • Holoscanner: Uses laser light to create a 3D map of surroundings.
  • Lidar Sensor: Uses laser light to measure distances and create high-resolution maps.
Audio Sensors
Advanced auditory data collection and analysis.
  • Audio/Visual Recorder: Records audio and visual data.
  • Audio Sensor: Detects sound.
  • Audio-Amplifier: Amplifies sound.
  • Sonoreceptor: Advanced sound detection.
  • Acoustic Signaller: Detects acoustic signals.
  • Aural Sensor: Enhanced auditory capabilities.
  • Sonic Imprint Sensor: Detects and identifies sound patterns.
  • Voiceprint Analyzer: Analyzes voice patterns.

Advanced Memory and Processing Package

Memory and Processing
High-speed data processing and storage.
  • Analytical Core: Complex data processing.
  • Backup Processor: System redundancy.
  • Basic Processor: General processing.
  • High Processor Brain: Advanced CPU.
  • Heuristic Processing: Learning and adaptive processing.
  • Computational Matrix: Enhanced processing power.
  • Logic Matrix: Enhances decision-making processes.
  • Remote Processor: Allows remote/long-distance data processing and control.
  • 5,000-km Range Processor: Long-range processing capability for remote operations.
  • Tactician Battle Computer: Provides tactical analysis for strategic decisions.
  • DataLink Transceiver: Facilitates data transfer and processing.
  • Memory Bank: Data storage.
  • Memory Core: Central memory.
  • Gabonna Memory Crystal: Data storage.
  • Expanded Program Memory Core: Expanded program memory.
  • Memory Module: Additional memory.
  • Memory Wipe Module: Data erasure.
  • RAM: General purpose memory.
  • Quantum RAM: High-speed memory.
  • InfoCore: Central data processing unit.
  • Cognitive Matrix Analysis Package: Advanced data analysis.
Data Security
Enhanced data protection and secure access.
  • Biometric Locks: Uses biometric data for security.
  • Genetic Code Scan: Scans genetic codes for identification.
  • Bio-Hexacrypt: Secure encryption method.
  • DNA Tracer/Tracing Module: Tracks DNA samples.
  • Specialized Remote Interface
    • Source Ripper: Hacking tool.
    • Security Domination Interface: Overrides security systems.
    • Datasearching Device: Searches and processes data.
    • Lockout Bypass: Bypasses lockouts.
    • Machine Interface: Interfaces with machines.
    • Diagnostic Systems Diverter: Diverts diagnostic systems.
    • Optimized Interface: Enhances system interface.
    • Remote Computer Link: Links to remote computers.
    • Remote Programming Receiver: Receives remote programming commands.
    • Direct Cranial Uplink: Direct uplink to cranial systems.
Multi-Function Slicing Tools
  • Data Spike: Hacks computer systems.
  • Security Spike: Bypasses security systems.
  • Scomp Link: Interfaces with computers.
  • Scomp Spiker: Enhances scomp link hacking.
  • Scramble Key: Encrypts communications.
  • Slicer's Key: Hacking tool.
  • Electronic Lock Breaker: Breaks electronic locks.
  • Computer Interface Tether: Tethers to computers for hacking.
  • Control Disk: Controls computer systems.
Additional Features
  • Analogue PC: Portable computing device.
  • Plasma Cutter: Cuts through materials.
  • Holographic Projection: Projects holographic images.
  • Shield Expansion Module: Enhances shield capabilities by making shields larger.
  • Integrated Comms Antenna: Boosts signals and transmissions for communication.
  • Oil Slick: Dispenses oil for defense.
  • Emergency Reactivator: Reactivates systems in emergencies.
  • Information Recording and Code-Keyed Retrieval/Broadcast System: Records and retrieves information.
  • Integrator: Integrates data and systems.
  • Diagnostics Package: Conducts system diagnostics.
  • Spring-Loaded Mechanism: Enhances movement and deployment with spring-loaded systems.
  • Locked Access: Secures access points.
  • Secondary Battery: Provides backup power.
  • Self-Destruct System: Self-destruct mechanism.
  • Antitheft Locator: Locates stolen parts.
  • Comprehensive Cybersecurity: The Cyber Defense Matrix provides multi-layered protection against slicing and electronic warfare, ensuring high-performance secure communications and data integrity.

  • High Power Consumption: The advanced systems and modules require significant power, which can strain the ship's energy resources, especially during prolonged engagements.
The SS-Military Grade Intelligence Package: Basic is a streamlined suite designed for starships requiring essential cybersecurity, advanced communications, and comprehensive sensory capabilities. It integrates seamlessly with existing systems, providing robust protection against cyber threats, secure long-range communication, and precise environmental scanning with sonar, seismic, and barometric sensors.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To make a specialized comprehensive Intelligence mod for creation of ships for espionage purposes.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Braze, Starcraft Shipyards
Modular: Yes
Material: Various
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