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Approved Tech SS- Military Grade Modular Landing Gear System

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Manufacturer: Starcraft Shipyards
Type: Mechanical
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Heavy
Size: Average
  • Adaptive Traction Control: Automatically adjusts to surface types such as space, ice, rock, or water to optimize stability and safety.
  • Advanced Sealing Mechanisms: Enhances pontoons and other parts to prevent water ingress, crucial for aquatic landings.
  • Energy Absorbing Materials: Incorporates memory foam infused with carbon fiber to reduce impact forces and vibrations.
  • Energy Shields: Protects landing gear with defensive shields against environmental hazards and impacts.
  • Environmental Adaptation Systems: Includes thermal insulation and seals to withstand extreme conditions.
  • Environmental Sensors: Provides real-time data about surface conditions for optimal performance adjustment.
  • Integrated Diagnostic and Repair Systems: Equipped with sensors and mini-droids for autonomous routine maintenance.
  • Locking Claw and Gravity Lock: Offers reliable anchoring in zero-gravity and harsh environments.
  • Magnetizable and Retractable Struts: Offers secure landing capabilities on multiple surface types, adjustable for terrain.
  • Puncture-proof Pontoons: Optional feature for enhanced versatility in water or soft terrains.
  • Repulsorlift Technology: Creates a cushion of anti-gravity for smooth and stable landings on diverse terrains.
  • Safety Check Protocol System: Scans the landing gear wells to ensure no creatures or persons are present before deployment.
  • Tractor Beam Technology: Allows the gear to latch onto and 'walk' across surfaces or facilitate docking when engines are compromised.
  • Universal Attachment Mechanism: Ensures compatibility with various ship models using adaptable interfaces.
  • Versatile Attachments: Fits a variety of ship models through a universal attachment mechanism.
  • Advanced Landing Technology: Includes retractable struts, repulsorlifts, and energy-absorbing materials for versatile and safe landings.
  • Autonomous Systems: Integrated diagnostics and repairs reduce maintenance needs.
  • Enhanced Stability: Locking claws, gravity locks, and tractor beams ensure secure anchoring and allow the system to "walk" or latch onto surfaces when engines fail.
  • Weight: The addition of multiple systems, including tractor beams, may significantly increase the overall weight, affecting the spacecraft's performance and fuel efficiency.
This modular system is designed to significantly enhance the adaptability and safety of spacecraft landings across a variety of planetary conditions and surface types, promoting operational flexibility and reducing downtime. The addition of energy-absorbing materials and energy shields further protects the gear and ship during challenging landings.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To equip a variety of spacecraft with a versatile and advanced landing gear system.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Braze
Modular: Yes
Material: Composed of memory foam infused with carbon fiber, durasteel for structural components, and various high-tech electronics and sensors for operation.
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