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Approved Starship SS Phantomray - Stealth Assault Interceptor

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Manufacturer: Starcraft Shipyards
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Length: High
Width: High
Height: Large
Size: Large

I drew the ship


Breshig War Forged Consolidated [X]
ATC Purchases: [X] [X]
Concord Specialized Technologies Purchases :


  • Starcraft Shipyards


  • Phantomray Starfighter


  • Stealth Assault Interceptor
Squadron Count: Very Low: 4

Technical Specifications:

  • Length: 25 meters
  • Width: 14.3 meters
  • Height/Depth: 14.3 meters
  • Hyperdrive Rating: Hyperdrive - Hyperdrive 1.0, Backup Hyperdrive 4.0, Hyperdrive Ring 0.1
  • Crew:
    • Pilot (1)
    • Co-pilot/Sensor operator (1)
    • Gunners (2)
  • Minimum Crew: 1
  • Passengers: None
  • Cargo Capacity: 20 metric tons
  • Consumables: 1 month
Offensive Equipment
Defensive Equipment
Shields List:
Utility Equipment:
SS-Military Grade Modular Emergency Suite
Comfort and Luxury Enhancements
Navigation and Visibility Enhancements
Sensors and Assorted Components
SS-Military Grade Intelligence Package: Advanced
Engine Components
Other Systems
Landing and Docking Enhancements
SS- Military Grade Modular Landing Gear
  • Magnetizable Landing Gear: Advanced system with variable magnetic strength for secure docking and landing on metallic surfaces.
Breshig War Forge Consolidated BMD-01 Vhe'viin Battlefield Mechanic Droid

Other Notes:
  • All engines are hybrid: Designed for both space and underwater propulsion made with Repulsor lift tech.
  • Submersible Capability: Fully waterproof and capable of operating underwater.
  • Reflec paint job.
  • Stealth Capabilities: The SS Phantomray is equipped with advanced stealth technology, including a stealth coating and sensor jammers, making it difficult to detect by enemy radar and sensors, ideal for covert operations.
  • Agility and Speed: Designed for rapid engagement and evasive maneuvers, the SS Phantomray excels at dodging enemy fire and outmaneuvering opponents, making it highly effective in fast-paced combat scenarios.
  • Versatility: Beyond its role as a stealth interceptor, the SS Phantomray is adaptable for a variety of missions, including small-scale patrols, reconnaissance, and assault operations, providing flexibility in diverse situations.
  • Robust Defense: The SS Phantomray features strong defensive systems, including internalized shield generators and laminanium structural plating, ensuring the safety of its crew and enhancing its durability in hostile environments.
  • Larger Profile: The SS Phantomray's larger size compared to typical light interceptors limits its ability to access certain areas and makes it more noticeable when not using its stealth features.
  • Sensitive Electronics: While equipped with advanced electronic systems, the SS Phantomray can be prone to disruption if an enemy bypasses its defenses, leading to temporary system glitches during intense engagements.
  • Vulnerable Hyperdrive Ring: The detachable hyperdrive ring allows for quick jumps to hyperspace, but it remains vulnerable when stationary and can be easily destroyed if not adequately protected.
The SS Phantomray is a sleek, black stealth interceptor, designed for high-speed and agile maneuvers in both space and atmospheric environments. Equipped with advanced stealth technology, it excels in covert operations and can evade detection with ease. Its sturdy construction and strong defenses make it well-suited for dogfights, patrol missions, and reconnaissance. The SS Phantomray also features a small room with a single bunk behind blast doors, offering a secure space for extended missions. Versatile and formidable, it is a highly adaptable asset in any fleet, capable of performing a variety of roles while remaining a ghost on the battlefield.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: A versatile stealth assault interceptor designed for covert operations, rapid engagement, and reconnaissance missions, optimized for speed, agility, and stealth capabilities.
Permissions: Starcraft Shipyards + Partners ie Si Tech and Breshig War Forge Consolidated

Technical Information

Affiliation: Starcraft Shipyards
Starship Class: Small Craft (1-50m)
Starship Role: Stealth
Modular: Yes
Material: Alusteel Frame Alusteel Skeletal Frame, with Laminanium Structural Plating. Agrinium Panels B'sant with Darkened Transparisteel Carbo-plas Outer Shell Condensed-matter Composite Corellian Leather Interior Dallorian Alloy (around engines) Dallorian Alloy and Agrinium Panels Deflector Shield Material Duralloy Duralloy Plating Reinforced Duraplast Hull Liner with Anti-Ionic Mesh (Faraday Cage.) Durasteel Hull and Armour Plating Duravlex Lining (around engine components) Ferroceramic Glasteel Viewports. Laminasteel Myoflex Heat Sinks. Plasteel Titanium Transparisteel Turadium Armour Plating. Various Starfighter Components.
Armaments: Fire-linked Weapon Systems.
GAQL-82 Superfang Chain Laser: High-energy ship-to-ship combat weapons.
Dust: "Dust" is a tracking compound designed for covert surveillance, attaching to targets for real-time location and activity monitoring over several weeks.
Ion Cannons: Disables enemy vessels non-destructively.
Minelayer equipped with seismic charges: Deterrent or destructive spaceborne explosives.
Rail Guns : Secondary weapon system
Flex Tube Torpedo Luncher(s) - Max 12 Per Side ( Has x2 launchers)
Armament can include but not limited to the following:
Advanced proton torpedo
Port concussion missile launcher
Concussion missiles
Advanced concussion missile
Defense Rating: Very High
Speed Rating: Very High
Maneuverability Rating:: High
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: Average
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 4
Cargo Capacity: Average
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Braze Braze

Nice job! This is missing from the pre-made fields but part of the original template and this is important information. I would like to ask you to add this field to your template:
Squadron Count: (Please provide the amount of fighters this submission would have in a squadron. The average squadron for any starfighter is 12, at lengths averaging 12.5 meters. The bigger the fighter, the smaller your Squadron Count should be. The smaller the fighter, the bigger your Squadron count can be. [None: 1 | Very Low: 4 | Low: 8 | Average: 12 | High: 16 | Very High: 20 | Extreme: 24 ] Squadron Sizes may be listed as just the rating.)
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