Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Ssakai

Age31 GSY
HomeworldAjan Kloss
Height2.1 Meters
Weight78 kg
Force SensitiveYes
VoiceRob Zombie






Force-Trained: Ssakai was once a Je'daii Ranger, making him on par to a fully trained Jedi Knight. He has knowledge of their ways.

Lizard: As a Trandoshan, Ssakai has all of their natural abilities. From tough scales, to sharp claws and teeth, to their regenerative abilities when it comes to injuries.


Darkness: He has always had an issue with a primal, animalistic side connected to the Dark Side of the Force. He hopes to quell it one day.

Speciesism: Because of the reputation of his species as hunters and slavers, he tends not to have a warm welcome when visting places. Especially when it comes to Wookiees.

Ssakai's life began on the jungle-covered planet of Ajan Kloss, where he hatched to a pair of Trandoshan poachers. As the runt of his clutch, he was deemed weak and unworthy, leading to his abandonment in the dense jungle. Alone and vulnerable, Ssakai's latent Force sensitivity emerged, helping him survive in the wild. He developed primal versions of Force abilities, which became essential tools for his survival amidst the planet's dangerous fauna and flora.

Fate intervened when a Je'daii Ranger, exploring the depths of Ajan Kloss, discovered Ssakai. Recognizing the young Trandoshan's potential and raw connection to the Force, the Ranger coaxed him out of isolation and brought him into the Je'daii. Under the Ranger's tutelage, Ssakai transitioned from a wild survivor to a disciplined Padawan, learning the ways of that the Je'daii upheld. His journey was marked by numerous trials that tested his resolve, patience, and ability to balance his primal instincts with his growing knowledge of the Force.

Upon completing his rigorous training, Ssakai earned the rank of Je'daii Ranger. However, his newfound status was shadowed by an internal struggle. During a fierce battle, his primal instincts overwhelmed him, pushing him toward the Dark Side. In the heat of the moment, he accidentally struck down his master, who had intervened to prevent him from losing control. This tragic event left Ssakai devastated and filled with remorse. Unable to reconcile his actions, he chose to exile himself, embarking on a quest for redemption and a deeper understanding of the Force.

During his exile, Ssakai heard of the Tingel Arm Coalition and its mission to resist oppression and bring freedom to the Outer Rim. Drawn to their cause, he saw an opportunity to atone for his past and use his abilities for a greater good. Joining the Coalition, Ssakai hopes to find a path to inner peace and balance, contributing to the liberation efforts while seeking redemption for his dark deeds.
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