Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Ssalei L'klor


RANK: Forgotten Wanderer


AGE: 19

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 1.9 meters

WEIGHT: 58.9kg

EYES: Yellow

HAIR: Black (Fully shaved)

SKIN: Crimson

FORCE SENSITIVE: Very sensitive


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Micro-Scales: Although Ssalei's "skin" feels like skin, it is actually made of incredibly tiny and durable scales. Although this does not protect him much from modern weaponry, it certainly helps protect him against the elements/nature.

Bred for a Purpose: Ssalei is mostly sith pureblood with some Zabrak thrown in for good measure, this means he is heavily connected to the force, more intelligent, and slightly stronger/faster.

If it Bleeds: Most things that can kill a regular person can kill Ssalei. He is however especially vulnerable to biological weapons.

Naive: Ssalei has only really known about the galaxy at large for about 4 years, and is still trying to understand and grasp it.


Ssalei stands around 1.9 meters tall and can best be described as a "spiky twig". His skin is a dark crimson, and is occasionally interrupted by bony spikes that seem to grow out at random. Incredibly thin, one may assume that he barely eats but it seems to be his natural condition. He dresses modestly, in a simple gray shirt and baggy pants. Yet the most striking part of his decor is the large chain of polished obsidian prayer beads hung around his neck. Incredibly heavy, these beads constantly way him down causing him to either have to struggle under their weight or use the force to move effectively. It is a way he helps tutor himself, constantly having to use the force and deny himself the easy way forward of simply taking them off.


Ssalei was one of the lucky ones, out of all of the hundreds of his siblings that were brought into the world only he and his 400 or so brothers and sisters were force sensitive, they got to live. He was brought into the world in a cold, dark, unforgiving lab run by a deranged sith lord who sought to bring back the Sith race and reestablish their control over the galaxy, Ssalei was one of these new "purebloods" even if some of his genetics was Zabrak. He was brought up in the ways of the sith, learning their language, alchemy, force teachings, he even ate what they ate and wore what they wore. It was ingrained into him that he would one day conquer the galaxy.

Yet you can only push children so far. When he and his fellow siblings were 14 standard years of age, they overthrew their "father" and freed themselves. Many still clung to his twisted vision, as it was all they knew. Yet Ssalei was different, he felt the force pull him and instead of trying to control it or ignore it like his siblings, he let it guide him. He would travel around the galaxy, going from planet to planet as the force told him until he would eventually arrive at Ilum, where he is currently trying to construct his lightsaber.




Current Location:


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