The Widow
Alright folks,
I would like to formally introduce to the Chaos community the SSB Holonet Ads Blog, used to promote new and current members of the Southern Systems Business Bazaar.
In here, I will post weekly specials on various businesses currently enrolled in the Market. This will apply to specials in products, contracts, or discounts on gear to be sold in the Marketplace.
I will also spotlight any new businesses that have posted their Marketing thread, as well as providing announcements for any new auctions. (Businesses under SSB register, just PM me what specials you would like to publicize.
To keep up to date on the daily and weekly deals, please click to follow my blog here in the hyperlink:
Current Businesses Affliated with the SSB are as follows:
Tier 6
Tier 5
Tier 4
- Akure Executive Leatherworks
- Baktoid Industrial Systems
- Incom Corporation
- Mandal Hypernautics
- MandalMotors Co.
- Abregado-Rae Industries
- ArmTech Systems Inc.
- Carrison Tech and Fashion
- Cestus Cybernetics Storefront
- Daw Motors
- Firemane Industries and Technology Storefront
- Hekler'Kok Defense Industries
- Koensayr Manufacturing
- MandalTech
- Salacia Consolidated
- Mara TibX & Fuels
- Tenloss Corporation