There were a few ships that Marek was actually interested in. Having a direct connection to the two companies, having owned a Niathal, before Haor Chall insisted he replace it with the Slipstream, and using a YTA-1300 for his personal freight hauler, he really was excited for this sale. Stepping up, he shook his head at @[member="Jared Ovmar"]. "Y'know, she probably won't take too kindly to that." He clapped the other on the back before looking up to @[member="Selka Ventus"].
"Evenin', miss Ventus. How's the chances looking for a pair of Em Sea Arrs and an Alndys? If the starfighters can be switched for a variety of styles?" He had the money for this purchase, coming straight from the government, he was hunting for some side projects, after all. "And that'll be all, love the Niathal, though, highly recommend 'er."