Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ssi-Ruu and the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium - Info Needed

As the Commonwealth travels further into the unknown we will encounter enemies beyond our wildest imaginations. Enemies such as The Swarm [PC], and the Ssi-ruu [NPC]. I was wondering if people could fill me in on all Ssi-ruu information and events involving them on Chaos. Please and thank you

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
lizards.... lol no just kidding. Fleet wise they are not really a threatening foe if your loaded for bear and have a bunch of anti-fighter defense. I mean a carrack, as awesome and bad ass as it is, and a squadron of x wings took on a whole fleet. They are better at ground battles than in space though. In the past we I have written them pretty good on the ground. They are basically velociraptors with guns. They take people as slaves and turn them into their weapons. I really think some Ruuvi tech would be awesome . Like tanks and gunships powered by the people they capture. At another forum I write at we did a whole event style story line fighting them. My Chiss character has done a ton of battles against them on other forums. And once I get the TNO storyline far enough along he will be again when he returns to Chiss space. As far as events on chaos I know of none but that doesn't mean much I do not keep up with alot of stuff outside what I do. They do make a good NPC foe though. fighting dinos is fun reguardless :)

I believe the now defunct Lords of the Fringe, a faction that dominated the Unknown Regions for a while, conquered them once and ruled their territory till dissolution. Some of their tech was derived from Ssi-Ruuvi stuff.

[member="Jorus Merrill"] can probably provide more extensive information. One of the companies I run, Archangel, makes use of entechment for its droids.
Fringe spent hundreds of posts fighting and conquering them. Most of the old Fringe fleet was designed to fight them. The T6 corporation Iron Crown, which used to be a Fringe parastatal, maintains a planetary-scale shipyard at Lwhekk. Ssi-Ruuvi paralysis beams and entechment gear have filtered out through the galaxy in a few forms from time to time.
skin, bone, and arrogance
How interesting -- the First Order is also planning a campaign involving these lizard fiends. I can only reiterate what Jorus Merrill has said -- the people involved with the Fringe and Iron Crown Enterprises may be able to shed more light.

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