Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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EDIT: Yes I now understand dragons are banned...

Sssetheliss in the flesh!


Sssetheliss's lair

NAME: Sssetheliss Vas
FACTION: None at the moment
RANK: As a star dragon, most would consider Sssetheliss's rank on a power basis as very high, though none in society.
SPECIES: Duinuogwuin
AGE: 198
SEX: Duinuogwuin do not have male or female genders, as such Sssetheliss will be genderfluid, being neither and both. (Because of this, when I say them, they, or their. I am usually referring to Sssetheliss.)
LENGTH: 23 meters
EYES: Violet
HAIR: n/a
SCALES: Iridescent


Naturally powerful, claws can easily cut through durasteel, jaws could devour most small creatures.

Cunning, patient, and intelligent.

As a duinuogwuin, Sssetheliss's presence made most people bow in fear, respect, or religion.


Very gullible and naive, as a smaller star dragon Sssetheliss has been bullied by their clutch mates.

Is obsessed with loot, will do anything for credits or treasure to add to their lair.

Scared and timid, mostly due to the duinuogwuin childhood.


Sssetheliss has an elegant body with a very long tail. Its thick scales are a shining iridescent, shading to lighter towards its hindquarters. On the end of its long tail is a sharp row of scales, longer than those closer towards the body. This dragon has six slender limbs with three closely-mounted digits on each foot that end in sharp claws. It has huge, fanlike wings. This dragon's head is wedge-shaped and it has a mouth that runs most of the length of its face. It has average sized nostrils located on either side of its snout. This dragon has almond-shaped eyes that are the color of violet. It has large, frilled ears. A mane of bony spikes sprout from the back of its slender head.

BIOGRAPHY: (I will do this in first person, as to avoid the their, hey, thems, etc.)

As a young hatchling, I lived with my mother in a asteroid belt far away from any civilized planets. My mother had a vast hoard of treasure and a varied hunting range. Some of my siblings chose to spend much of their time reading the rare codices and scrolls that my mother had collected. Other siblings spent their time hunting dangerous game and brawling with each other. Of course I took to reading, which was a wise choice that taught me cunning and taught finesse.

As I reached maturity, I began to threaten my mother's dominance over her territory. Before I could possibly have bested her in a direct confrontation, she threw me out of her lair and drove me from the space in which I grew up, leaving me to fend for myself without any resources beyond my claws, wings, and teeth. While it wasn't so bad, being away from my clutch mates who constantly bullied me, it was scary and the galaxy was even larger than what I had read.

I spent several weeks winging my way across the local sectors. Life as a traveling star dragon has much to recommend it—the freedom of the air, the thrill of the hunt, and plentiful sightseeing opportunities.

On one particular night, sleeping peacefully under the stars, I awake to find myself under attack. A gigantic elder dragon towering before me, whipping me hard with its tail. It must be at least four times my size!

"Whelp! How dare you sleep on my lands?" It spoke, the voice still clearly ringing through my ears. After kindly apologizing to the elder duinuogwuin, I still was met with enviable disdain. It soundly beat me out of its territory.

"Find your own lair!" it chortled.

Despite the advantages, it seems that homelessness has some rather severe downsides. After all, I have nowhere to store my treasure hoard!

A few days later, as I fly along, I saw a large asteroid belt seeming to stretch for countless miles, and it lloked be abandoned. All the better! A large cave mouth opened into a larger asteroids promontory...

While I would have to check it out more carefully to be certain, I believed that the asteroid belt contained a fairly extensive cave complex. Plenty of game running through the smaller rocks, taking refuge from the cold and heat of space, something I had no problem with. To top it off it seemed that only a day's flight away was settled worlds, probably the planets just on the outer-outer rim. Such would be easy pillaging! it appeared to be a perfect lair.

I would soon take refuge here, making the asteroid belt my home. I now lay atop cold rock, my belly crying out for treasure to grace with its touch. For now though, this will do. There will be plenty of time for looting!

SHIP: n/a

KILLS: None yet


ROLE-PLAYS: None as of yet, send me a pm and we can start something up!

I really hate to be the one to break it to you, but PC dragons are banned on this site. I would link you the rule, but I'm on my tablet right now.

But don't despair, there's plenty of other options to choose from. Why not an angel, or perhaps a vampire? You could be a werewolf or a werecat if you'd like. The opportunities are practically endless.
Last I checked, player made dragon spe is made before the ban are allowed as PCs (I just rechecked, but that post was over a year ago.)

Just tossing out options, I think. Might be best to poke an admin.

*returns to never being used as an account*

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