L Admin
This list of descriptions will evolve as the community evolves. Growing pains, guys.
Role-play Judges
Role-play Judges are to investigate and pass judgement on all In Character (IC) conflicts that cannot be settled between Writers.
Role-play Judges are to judge the outcomes of threads as requested by Writers/Faction Owners, ie, Invasions, Duels, Weekend Events, etc.
In the case that a Writer/Faction Owner appeals a Role-play Judge's judgement on a complaint, the Role-play Judge is to pass all available information found in the investigation (Including copies of Private Messages, Writer's opinions, and the Roleplay Judges's ruling) to an Administrator so that the complaint may be re-assigned to another available Role-play Judge.
Administrators are to intervene and pass judgement on all Out of Character (OOC) conflicts that cannot be settled between Writers.
Administrators are to assign Non-Conflict of Interest (NCOI) Roleplay Judges to complaints by Writers.
Factory Administrators
Factory Administrators are Administrators who have been appointed by the Board Owner to be in charge of the entirety of the Factory forums.
Factory Administrators may change the Factory Rules page to reflect current changes implemented in the Factory as they wish.
Factory Administrators are to inform the Board Owner of all changes made to the Factory Rules, Factory Judges, and any other specifics that fall under the umbrella of "the Factory".
Factory Administrators do not currently require approval from the Board Owner to make the above changes.
Role-play Judges
Role-play Judges are to investigate and pass judgement on all In Character (IC) conflicts that cannot be settled between Writers.
Role-play Judges are to judge the outcomes of threads as requested by Writers/Faction Owners, ie, Invasions, Duels, Weekend Events, etc.
In the case that a Writer/Faction Owner appeals a Role-play Judge's judgement on a complaint, the Role-play Judge is to pass all available information found in the investigation (Including copies of Private Messages, Writer's opinions, and the Roleplay Judges's ruling) to an Administrator so that the complaint may be re-assigned to another available Role-play Judge.
Administrators are to intervene and pass judgement on all Out of Character (OOC) conflicts that cannot be settled between Writers.
Administrators are to assign Non-Conflict of Interest (NCOI) Roleplay Judges to complaints by Writers.
Factory Administrators
Factory Administrators are Administrators who have been appointed by the Board Owner to be in charge of the entirety of the Factory forums.
Factory Administrators may change the Factory Rules page to reflect current changes implemented in the Factory as they wish.
Factory Administrators are to inform the Board Owner of all changes made to the Factory Rules, Factory Judges, and any other specifics that fall under the umbrella of "the Factory".
Factory Administrators do not currently require approval from the Board Owner to make the above changes.