"No. We not go there. We not. We stay."
"I paid you to guide me to the tomb. You will take me to the tomb."
"No. Have your credits back. I no go there. No Sir-Soren. No!"
Turning away from the many-eyed native, Baros grimaced. He was not cut out for field work. Physically he could handle it, staying in shape was a must for the fashion industry, but it was more practical things like knowing which way was north. What was safe to eat? How to use climbing gear - things like that. Really, he should have heeded Greta's advice when they arrived on Ottabesk. Her words bounced through his head even now, "If the people that live here are afraid to go there, you should be too." He had seen them as superstitious. Cowardly even. at least they could survive on the trek from the village though. Baros had not done anything like this since he was a child, and even then he had found it an unpleasant experience.
He looked about at his surroundings. There was a certain excitement to this though. He had dared to do something crazy, on a hunch based on his own discoveries as he learned more about Sith history. This had to be the burial place of the rogue Sith Lord, Sadrin. "It has to be it," he muttered.
Large tree roots had grown about the ancient stone structures as if they had been slowly trying to strangle the life out of them. Some of the roots were now thicker than the fallen pillars that they grew around, over and alongside. Above his head, birds flew about, and the sound of insects clicking and buzzing was incessant to the point of irritation. "At least point me in the right direction...and wait for me to come back," he said in a final effort to get his guide to play along.
Ever so reluctantly, the guide lifted his quivering finger and pointed towards a large tree. Judging from its structure, it appeared to be an epiphyte. Years, maybe centuries earlier, it has started as a small plant growing high above in a moist crevice in an even older tree. But over the years the now ancient epiphyte had grown round about the host tree and strangled the host.
Baros walked cautiously towards the tree, where he found a large root arching up and the plunging into the ground. He ducked underneath the arch, and noted a small hollow, perhaps dug out by animals that lead into the innards of the tree. No doubt the original host tree had long since decayed leaving the parasitcal tree hollowed out. Cracking a light-stick, he tossed it in. The ground within the small cave-like entrance to the tree was not dirt, but a worn down sandstone; the same type that had been used in the construction of the pillars around the site.
He stood up and smiled back to his guide. "It's Sal-Soren. Not Sir-Soren," he said for the fourteenth time, "stay here. Wait for me. If I am not back in 3 hours, go for help. Greta will know what to do." He lied. She would have no clue what to do, but at least someone would know he was missing.
He stooped, preparing to crawl. "You have death wish Baros Sal-Soren."
[member="Scherezade deWinter"]