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Approved NPC Stahlrim Pact Shock Troops

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Stahlrim Pact Shock Troops


  • Intent: To create the standard soldier unit of the a new department of the Eternal Empire's military.
  • Image Credit: The Wolf Brigade
  • Role: The Stahlrim Shock Troops are the rank & file of the Stahlrim Pact, an elite department of the Eternal Empire who originates from the world of Nordmar. They field the standard troops of the Pact.
  • Permissions: [N/A]
  • Links: Ultranaut Corps, Stormtrooper Corps, Imperial Army


  • Unit Name: Stahlrim Pact Shock Troops
  • Affiliation: Eternal Empire
  • Classification: Mechanized Infantry, Mechanized Artillery and Armour
  • Description:
    • Ranks
      • Enlisted: Recruit, Shock Trooper, Corporal-at-Arms
      • Non-Commissioned: Sergeant-at-Arms, Banner Sergeant, Sergeant-Commander
      • Commissioned: Officer Cadet, Lieutenant-Commander, Commander-at-Arms, Captain-Commander, Major-at-Arms, Major-Commander, Colonel-at-Arms
      • Flag Command: Brigade General, Banner General, General-at-Arms, Captain-General
    • Uniform: The uniforms of the Shock Troops are distinctively dark grey with red shirts and black ties in their parade dress. Their armors and combat uniforms are adaptive to their surrounding terrain and therefore can vary in colour. The troops of the Stahlrim Pact have their own insignia and rank badges, separating them from the normal Eternal Army and Ultranaut Corps.
    • Ideology: The troops of the Stahlrim Pact are disciplined, iron willed soldiers, fanatics for the cause of the Eternal Empire. They see order as absolute, there is noone beyond the law of the Eternal Empire and the Eternal Empire alone. They are dedicated, absolutely loyal and fierce in their picture of the enemy. They are without remorse, without conscience and would march into the gates of hell if the Eternal Sovereign ordered it.
    • [ Give a brief overview of this combat unit. Notable appearance, if they have a unit emblem, general mindset and behavior, etc. ]



  • Mobile Warfare Experts
  • Tank Specialists
  • Offensive Doctrine
  • Zealous Loyalty and Obedience

  • Fanatism
  • Death over Retreat
  • Lacking on the Defensive
  • Weak to Airstrikes


"I swear by my life and honour this sacred oath:

That I shall render unconditional obedience to the Sovereign of the Eternal Empire, supreme commander of the military and rightful claimant to the Eternal Throne,

And that I shall at all times be ready to give my life for this oath."
Stahlrim Oath, taken upon finishing Basic Training

The Stahlrim Pact is the new military branch of the Eternal Military, raised and drilled on the world of Nordmar for the sole purpose to obey and serve the Eternal Empire's sovereign, enforce and execute any orders in their name. They are being armed with the best of equipment and even compared to the formidable Ultranauts, the training of the Stahlrim troops is tough. They are especially loyal, fanatical to the cause of order and structure through unity, force and terror if necessary.

The Stahlrim Shock Troops are the heavy lifting backbone of the Stahlrim Pact, the line troops which are fulfilling a general fighting purpose. Deploying as highly mobile and armoured forces, the Shock Troops are fighting as ultimate interpretation of the Stormwar Doctrine of the Eternal Empire by utilizing fast acting mechanized infantry, with heavily armored spearheads and hard-hitting artillery.

The training of the Shock Troops is extremely thorough and tough. And it starts at young age. Starting as Project: Nord more than forty years ago, children from the age of 6 to 12 of patriotic families, voluntarily offered, were introduced into a separate training program of the Ultranauts. The emphasis of dedication, service and loyalty was extreme, just as the tough physical and military education. Life fire exercises are still issued after just four weeks of training, military maneuvres after two months in the cold storms of Nordmar.

Competition is supported, rivalry forbidden, this shall support a strong bond between the soldiers and light the eagerness to achieve more. Aided by a point-system which the soldiers gain throughout their training, education and exercises, they are being evaluated by their drill masters and lecturers, who are usually ex-Wolfguards, veteran Ultranauts and especially, even though secretly, Wardens of the Shroud. Their evaluation will determine in which branch the soldiers will be serving.
If they excel in close combat and melee scores, they will be assigned to the Landsknecht units. Do they show promise in direct assaults and the handling of special weapons as well as grenades, the soldiers are assigned to become Stormtroopers. Those with special devotion and a seemingly unbreakable will, are becoming part of the Security, the military police and field enforcers. The standard unit though, the Panzerfusiliers, are excellent mechanised units, working well in conjunction with all forms of armor.
Those few that excel in all aspects of training, education and especially discipline and loyalty, are assigned to the Wehrkin, the elite soldiers who are more of a legend.

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