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Unreviewed Staid Athraithe

Manufacturer: Darth Moskvin
Type: Basic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Weightless
Size: Very Small

  • Alter Appearance
  • Changing Skin: By utilizing the trinket's stored ability of an altered form of Spell of Mimicry, Darth Moskvin can change her appearance into an exact copy of anyone by simply touching them whilst holding the trinket, the spell is activated once she lets go of the trinket. The spell not only alters the appearance but the voice as well. In those that are hampered by a weaker will disposition, it's possible that memories from the individual could transfer to her, adding more to the belief of who she is trying to imposter.
  • Time Sensitive: The spell is not absolute, meaning it does possess a time frame in which it works under, and the nature of the individual touched; it however does not work with animals or beasts. For those Force sensitive, the spell only works for one hour while those not sensitive to the Force it can last up to two maybe three hours depending on the chemical make-up of the individual (i.e. human species compared to a Wookie species).

  • No Turning Back: Per the time sensitive weakness, there is no way to disrupt the spell once activated. Once the appearance is altered, it cannot be undone until the lapse of time, which in itself could pose problems if not carefully calculated. However, waves of Light and Dark Side energies can disrupt the trinket's special abilities, even erasing the spell all together.

Darth Moskvin began tinkering with the Spell of Mimicry to find the best result satisfactory to her. By using the ancient Nightsister spell and combining it with Sith Alchemy and Sith Magik, she was able to infuse the trinket with an altered version of the spell, adding more proprieties to a rather mundane spell. The main focus of the alchemized trinket is to allow her to pass herself of as a particular individual without the need to rely on the Force directly, opening up several possibilities to her.

The trinket is small in stature and is practically weightless, allowing for it to be stored in a small pocket (inside or outside). The trinket is fabricated from a tooth of a Ssurian that is encased in reinforced purple and black glitterglass, attached to an ebony chain made from songsteel.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a Dark Side infused accessory
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Darth Moskvin
Model: Alchemized Trinket
Modular: No

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