Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Standing at the crossroads...


That's what she was.


She had no purpose duty to fall back on. The Republic had saved her, given her a chance at a life that would mean something. But where had it really gotten her? Her life didn't feel like her own anymore. Certainly, to some degree it was expected - the life of a Jedi was one of selfless service. That she had understood from the beginning.

But there had been nothing that could prepare her for the reality of life within the Order and the Republic at large. The turmoil, the shifting alliances, the doubts, the sheer lack of trust between beings that were supposed to be working together, not behind each other's backs.

Mara shook her head and sighed, glittering amber eyes closing as she tilted her head to rest against the tree at her back. Clad in a simple pair of shorts and a faded smashball t-shirt, she looked nothing like the powerful Jedi Knight that she was, which was just fine by her.

She didn't feel like that woman anymore either. She hadn't since Diana's funeral on Kiffu, where she bid farewell to more than just her friend and Master.

Fingers lifted to pinch at the bridge of her nose as her eyes opened. Mara cast her gaze to the path some few feet away from her seat beneath the flowering tree. She watched the people as they passed, her chest tightening at the sight of a young couple strolling by hand-in-hand.

With any luck, Talon would be along soon so she could center her thoughts on something and someone pleasant for a change.

- [member="Talon Vosra"] -​

Talon Vosra

[member="Marakai Al'Orren"]

He walked along the trail calmly his bare feet felt nice on the cool ground as he made his way to the meeting. He had left the Order, but he would always do his best to help those he had met. They were his friends and some were much closer. He stuffed his hands in the pockets of his simple blue denim pants as he walked along thinking of just what he would say to Mara. He hadn't seen her for some time and he was rather surprised she had wanted to meet him at all.

He saw her from a good distance away and smiled. She looked far more like a normal young woman than a jedi knight. He walked over and smiled at her fondly as he flopped down leaning over and nearly toppling onto her lap as he sat and pulled up his knees and rested his arms on them.

"Sorry Sorry," he joked, "I didn't see you there, pretty lady."
A soft peal of laughter emerged as Talon appeared and flopped down beside her. Her smile was warm and entirely genuine, offered to one of her very dearest friends. She leaned over slightly to bump against him, purring softly all the while. "You may need your eyes checked, honey." she jested in response, a bit of life filtering into her amber gaze amidst the threads of uncertainty and grief.

"Glad you could come, Talon...I hope I'm not pulling you away from something important." Mara added softly, head canted to the side as she gazed at him. He felt good to her senses, calm and steady, the bastion of strength she'd come to know during their time together in the Order.

The Order. The white bantha in the corner of the room...err, park. She didn't even know how to broach the subject of her unhappiness and discontent...and the sensation that she was supposed to be doing something other than the status quo. WIth any luck, she mused distantly, a moment would present itself.

- [member="Talon Vosra"] -

Talon Vosra

[member="Marakai Al'Orren"]

Talon looked up at the trees and watched a few people walk by. His emerald eyes had seen so much trouble it was nice to relax for a moment or two. He stretched and put his arm around her embellishing the movement to be ever so blatantly amusing.

"No place I'd rather be." Talon said with genuine warmth.

He smiled at a child holding his mothers hand and waved his un engaged hand.

'I left the order." He said almost sounding relieved, "well, took an extended leave of absence I guess is more accurate. How have you been holding up."
She couldn't help herself, and in spite of her inner turmoil, she laughed softly at his antics. But regardless of that, the comfort he offered was a welcome thing. Scooting over a bit she leaned comfortably into his side and exhaled softly, staring down at her hands as they folded together in her lap.

Mara remained silent, gathering her thoughts and what remained of her scattered wits. Then again, when Talon spoke, they scattered all over again. Blinking, she stared up at him, and the words fell unbidden past her lips. "And here I was about to tell you that's what I wanted to do."

She studied him for a moment, hearing the relief in his voice and seeing the calmness it brought to his aura as she used a tendril of the Force to look with an altered gaze. A small smile curled her lips, though it didn't quite reach her amber gaze before she looked away again. "Oh, you know...just fine. Sarge tore my heart out and disappeared with the pieces. Diana's dead. Avalore is gods-only-know where. Haven't seen Stali in months. So...I'm holding up delightfully, all told. Serving an order that's ripped my life apart at every turn. What's not to be happy about?"

- [member="Talon Vosra"] -

Talon Vosra

[member="Marakai Al'Orren"]

Talon looked at the woman out of the corner of his eye as she talked.

"You know," He said as they sat, "The force doesn't care what government you work with. It only responds to how it's used."

He pulled her close and rubbed her shoulder.

"I may have a place for you if you want it." He said,"I have made some friends and we agree. We want to help people as quietly as we can and just avoid governments. We'd love to have a sweet purring voice around."
He was right.

He usually was, she had to rare was the occasion, she mused, that he wasn't, that she couldn't even remember the last time. The woman sighed softly, leaning into his warm, comfortable side, mind wandering about in circles. Somehow, the moment of admission...the moment she let on how much pain she was in, wasn't quite as cathartic as she'd hoped.

It was better than nothing, though, and her burden did feel at least a little bit lighter.

Mara blinked as he continued, canting her head to the side as she regarded him carefully. She held tightly onto the hope that had flared the moment he'd spoken, thought it still lit her amber gaze with a spark that hadn't been there before. Her voice emerged a bit softer than it had before. "Talon...are you..." she blinked, amber eyes warming further as they widened.

" are serious." She took a moment, allowing his words to sink in as her feral senses roused and shook themselves at the back of her mind. Force and feline alike were in accord it seemed, as she felt the unease that had plagued her since Coruscant finally begin to ease.

A soft smile warmed her features as she rested her head on his shoulder, making a mental note to transmit her resignation to the Council later. "Sounds like exactly what I've been looking for. I'm in."

- [member="Talon Vosra"] -

Talon Vosra

[member="Marakai Al'Orren"]

He hugged her close.

"Sarge is a nut job if he didn't see how amazing you are, Kitten." He said as he leaned his head onto hers. "And I'm serious, you'll always be welcomed to kick me around."

He was in no hurry to go anywhere, He had now place he would rather be, and he didn't see a reason to go just yet, so he held on and watched the people and clouds go by. He didn't know how to comfort anyone but he did know how loss felt. He still mourned Kira, likely always would, but how to make it feel better? When the galaxy found that cure he hoped it would let him know. So, he held on and hoped it would be enough to know she would always have someone, even when she didn't feel like it.

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