Never Say No to Bacta.
Location: Sev Tok, City of Anvil, City Center, 550 Meters Southwest of The Epitaph
Local Time: 22:28
Primary Objective: Defend the City of Anvil Alongside SJC Forces in the Area
Secondary Objective: N/A
Equipment: Loadout 2 (Carrying 1x Portable Clip Recharger in utility Field Butt Pack. Flame Projector swapped out with a CryoBan Projector.)
Friendlies: SJC |

Hostiles: The Bryn’adûl |

He’d assist them in fighting off the creatures, but he first had to find and extract any and all wounded allied personnel from the combat zone. Scanning for the injured in the perimeter, the giant was quick to hear and react to the abrupt and sporadic blaster fire coming from his left flank.
[“Friendly coming in! Check your fire!”] Kranak shouted towards the human silhouette as he ran towards him.
The injured man was slumped on the ground; his back resting against a broken pillar on the ground. His HUD quickly identified the silhouette to be a Ranger, and placed a hollow blue diamond over the injured man’s head.
The Ranger slowly lowered his right hand and the blaster pistol he held with it as he looked at the Mandalorian, unhurriedly. “Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?”
[“Are there any more injured?”] Kranak asked as he swiftly let go of his Paranaor Blaster Rifle and crouched next to the injured Ranger.
He switched on his medisensor built into his helmet mounted macrobinocular to scan the Ranger and find out the full extent of his injuries, among other medical data relevant to his current medical emergency.
The medisensor fed data to his HUD not a moment after he started scanning the injured Ranger. Active hemorrhage, low blood pressure from blood loss, low heart rate, severe lacerations and avulsions by the left leg starting from above the knee, all the way down to his ankle; with a number of comminuted and compound fractures by the Tibia and Fibula.
The Ranger’s popliteal artery, popliteal vein, anterior tibial artery, peroneal artery, anterior tibial vein, posterior tibial artery and vein featured a number of ruptures. His Medisensor would continue to relay medical data to Kranak’s HUD regarding the Ranger in question as time went on.
His leg would’ve been in a better shape if he had it shredded in a wood chipper. It was a complete mess. A medic like Kranak would have a field day with it, but the giant didn’t have the time to patch him up right on the spot. All he could do was to make sure the hemorrhage would not start while he was moved to the next level of medical care. Protocol dictated that the wounded personnel was to be treated in a secure area, preferably not in the middle of combat.
The ranger spoke after heaving a troubled sigh. “No, it’s just me,” said the Ranger. “Although that might change soon.” he said, as he nodded towards the Jedi and the Mandalorian battling it out with the two Bryn’adûl warriors in the courtyard.
[“I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. Let’s take care of you first.”] said Kranak in response as he began a short medical procedure to stabilize the injured Ranger.
With haste, the Mandalorian reached for the Ranger’s IFAK hung on his web gear. Compared to what the militia had on them, the Rangers usually had more medical supplies on their IFAK’s to patch themselves up. From the Ranger’s IFAK pouch, he retrieved a Field Cauterizer and used it to disinfect the messy wound.
The Ranger had already fastened a tourniquet a few inches above his left knee to slow down the bleeding. If it wasn’t for the tourniquet, the Ranger would have bled out a long time ago due to his injuries.
The Ranger was in no longer fighting shape anyway. He wouldn’t do any good to anyone in his current shape in combat. The Ranger was in need of extraction. He quickly reached for a single use stim-pack auto injector from his ECM-598 Medical Backpack to administer the medicine to the injured Ranger.
His medisensor swiftly located the appropriate vein on the Ranger’s left arm for the injection, highlighting it in Kranak’s HUD. Kranak quickly removed the Ranger’s rerebrace on his left arm before administering the stim-pack. Gently piercing through the Ranger’s uniform, the man winced as the needle poked into one of his veins. After pressing down on the auto injector button at the top of the auto-injector, the contents of the stim-pack was in his circulation after a short moment.
“God, I hate needles.” said the Ranger, annoyed by the injection. But his voice sounded relieved after the injection. The stim-pack contained drugs to help with the pain, among other things.
[“K’atini, aruetii.”] Kranak replied swiftly in Mando’a as he threw away the spent, single use autoinjector to his right.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” The disgruntled Ranger asked the Ori’ramikad. He didn't understand the response in Mando'a, naturally.
[“Forget it.”]
The Mandalorian reached for bacta patches from his backpack after administering the stim-pack. Upon unpacking the bacta patches, the Baar’ur wrapped them over the Ranger’s injury tightly.
Turning off the medisensor on his helmet mounted macrobinocular, the Ori’ramikad turned his gaze towards the militia riflemen not too far in the distance within the ruins of a building and motioned them to regroup with him by raising his left arm vertically overhead, palm to the front and waving it in large, horizontal circles for a few moments.
The militiamen then carefully abandoned their positions and sprinted towards Kranak to regroup with him. He turned his attention to the injured Ranger shortly after.
[“Alright, we’re gonna get you out of here.”]
“You rang, Sarge?”
The trio had swiftly converged on the Ruus’alor’s position, with Dash and Adriean taking defensive formations around them, forming a small yet effective secure perimeter around them.
[“Barlos, get him out of here. I want all of you to head back home.”] By home, the giant referred to their side of the frontline in this sector.
“What about you? Aren’t you coming with us?” asked Adriean, somewhat confused from the situation.
[“I’ll be right behind you with the-”] A blood curdling yell deeper in the courtyard cut off the Mandalorian
[“Haarchak! Go!”]
After a curt nod at their Sergeant, the militiamen quickly sprung into action, following their Ruus’alor’s orders. Amongst the ranger’s pained groans and grunts, Dash and Barlos picked up the injured Ranger from the ground and started to make their way back to the Concord frontline as fast as they could, with Adriean pulling security.
The sprinted towards the fighting in the courtyard. The sound clashing nearby started to die out as he came closer to the source of the blood curdling yell. He assumed the worst; that he was too late and the Jetii and the fellow vod were killed by the Bryn’adûl.
Turning around the corner, the Mandalorian laid eyes on the scene before him. He could see the Jetii with a blaster pistol in his hands, knelt next to a Mandalorian set aflame on the ground; the two hulking Bryn’adûl warriors laid in wait for the opportunity to strike at the two.
But there was something wrong here. The Jetii was pointing the blaster at the burning Mandalorian, between his eyes. <What are you doing?> The Ori’ramikad was puzzled. Why wasn’t the Jetii trying to smother the flames that was burning the incapacitated vod? He could see the Jetii move his hand on the hair trigger of the blaster pistol. His hands that clutching the blaster pistol were shaking uncontrollably.
[“WAIT-”] The Mandalorian shouted, in hopes of stopping the Jetii from killing the Mandalorian, but it was too late.
But before he could continue, upon the gentle squeeze of its trigger by the Jetii, the blaster pistol shot once. Gasping, the giant recoiled as if he was shot instead of the Mandalorian set on fire.
Witnessing the death of his fellow brothers and sisters -whether he knew them by name or not- deeply affected him. There wasn’t any “getting used to” that. He was stricken with grief and rage upon seeing the Mandalorian’s death at the hands of the Jetii. Their kind was already so few in the galaxy, and the Jetii just simply gave up and mercy killed him? What infuriated the giant the most was that he had the training and resources to save him.
But it was too late for that now. The Jetii had finished him off. But he wasn’t the only one responsible for the Mandalorian’s death. The one who set him on fire. He could see the Bryn’adûl warrior’s hand still burning. The tall -even taller than Kranak- alien silhouette on the ground; not so far from the fallen Mandalorian and the Jetii. The alien warrior stood up and produced a firearm from his holster, pointing it at the Jetii, seemingly uncaring of the two Bryn’adûl warriors near him. What seemed to be the Bryn’adûl warrior’s index finger gently rested on the hair trigger of the large handgun.
A part of the Ori’ramikad wanted to let the Bryn’adûl finish off the Jetii, but no. The giant was not going to see him dead until he could get his hands on him. Swiftly, the Ori’ramikad raised clutched and raised his Paranaor Blaster Rifle resting over his chest plate and fired off a salvo directed at

But after a few shots from his blaster rifle, the weapon dry fired. He was out of blaster bolts in his magazine. Reloading would take time. He was nowhere near the creature to tie him up in melee yet, as well.
Thinking quickly on his feet, Kranak decided to fire off his underbarrel grenade launcher directed at

The giant fired off the underbarrel grenade launcher with a gentle squeeze of its trigger as he sprinted past the Jetii and the fallen Mandalorian.
The distance between him and the hulking Bryn’adûl warrior was about ten meters. The grenades launched from the underbarrel launcher armed from twenty-five meters and onwards. It was not going to detonate upon impacting the Bryn’adûl warrior, but he hoped it would be enough to disorient the alien long enough to close the distance and fight him.
His rifle was of no use for now. With a strong pull, the giant ripped the weapons sling off him and tossed the rifle aside as he leapt into the air and activated his rocket boots for no more than a second to increase his speed and momentum.
Making a fist mid air, when the Ori’ramikad was close to deliver a punch at what seemed to be the creature’s jaw, he’d swing the punch by twisting his hips and swinging his upper body to hit the creature with the flat of his right hand’s fingers, just below his knuckles, delivering the hook.

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