Never Say No to Bacta.
Location: Sev Tok, City of Anvil, City Center, 550 Meters Southwest of The Epitaph
Local Time: 22:31
Primary Objective: Recover Zephyr Krayt's Body and Armor
Secondary Objective: Defend the City of Anvil Alongside SJC Forces in the Area
Equipment: Loadout 2 (Carrying 1x Portable Clip Recharger in utility Field Butt Pack. Flame Projector swapped out with a CryoBan Projector.)
Friendlies: SJC |

Hostiles: The Bryn’adûl |

The concussive shockwave from his repulsor on his left vambrace had successfully managed to knock down the colossal warrior on his back as he intended. But in the process, Kranak unintentionally tossed the Jetii a few meters away as the colossal alien warrior’s body was flung at him from the artificial shockwave.
He assumed the Jetii would have been sharp enough to notice what Kranak was about to do, and nimble enough to shield himself from the Bryn’adûl warrior he unintentionally hurled at him, however that was not the case. Regardless of the outcome, without skipping a beat the Mandalorian sprinted at the downed Bryn’adûl warrior when he fell on his back from the blast, seizing the opportunity he had created for himself.
The shockwave must've caught the alien in a weird angle while he fought the Jetii with his Kukri, for the creature shrieked with almost a deafening scream as his previously injured arm was bisected by the Jetii’s yellow lightsaber.
Closing the distance between him and the knocked down Bryn’adûl warrior, Kranak quickly mounted the alien’s bare chest before he had managed to recover and unleashed a flurry of blows with his fists at

The warrior beneath Kranak’s grapple tried to scurry away from his blows desperately, trying to block the Ori’ramikad’s blows with his left arm. But the warrior was not fast enough. The Ori’ramikad managed to feint a few of his strikes and pass through the Bryn’adûl warrior’s defense. He occasionally fainted his blows to create himself an opening for a strike at the creature’s face, but mostly he exploited the fact that the creature had an exposed right flank, due to his arm being bisected from by the Jetii.
But the creature had stopped bothering with attempting to block blows after a while. Instead, the warrior reached for something hung from his belt. Uncaring of his action for the moment the giant managed to land a few more blows on the creature’s face, until he heard the brittle clack of a grenade’s pin being removed. <Haarchak!> He quickly glanced at the source of the sound and saw the grenade clutched in the warrior’s large hand. A black substance seeped out of the grenade upon activation. The creature then struck the grenade at his own leg, over his armor.
Kranak had no idea what he was attempting, but he knew it would not end well for himself. The Ori’ramikad quickly broke his grapple from @Osam’s chest and rolled backwards, away from the warrior. And just in time, for the sparks the warrior created from striking his own armor had ignited the sinister black substance. The creature was engulfed in flames. Kranak did read reports of the extreme resistance the Bryn’adûl had against heat and fire, but had never seen it for himself, until now.
The creature rose slowly from the ground and gave a glance to his surroundings. Not a moment after, with a monstrous scream, the Bryn’adûl warrior leaped towards the nearest wall in the courtyard. In response, the Ori’ramikad produced a blaster pistol from his left holster and aimed it at

The giant’s chest rose and fell heavily with each heave of breath. He slowly lowered and holstered the blaster back into its holster as he kept his gaze at the wall the alien warrior had vaulted over to escape. He was bested in combat by him and the Jetii in this engagement. He didn’t think he would be coming back to retaliate any time soon. At least not while the creature was in his current shape.
There was a moment of stillness and calm after the fight was concluded. Only the distant gunfire and explosions in the distance had disturbed it for now.
“NO! Dammit!”
Yelled the Jetii; his metallic fist clanged as he slammed it on the ground. The giant turned his head towards the Jetii, knelt on the ground. His white glowing visor shrouded the giant’s penetrating, wrathful gaze.
“Why did you do that?! I had him!”
The man screamed at the Ori’ramikad at the top of his lungs. The giant assumed he was still in bloodlust, thirsting for

[“You.”] With a quick pace but seemingly calm on the outside, the Ori’ramikad walked towards the knelt Jetii. Upon reaching him, the giant swiftly grasped the Jetii by the collar of his robes with his right arm, lifted him up and dragged him on his feet with ease towards the remains of Zephyr Krayt .
He shoved the Jetii forward when they were near the body. The remains of the fallen warrior were still burning. He lifted his left vambrace and turned on his repulsor to smother the flames with a small, controlled shockwave. A short energy whine and a deep boom later, the flames that engulfed the fallen Mandalorian were smothered.
He turned his attention to the Jetii now. There was some short, ominous silence in the air before the Ori’ramikad spoke. [“Hut’uun. Do you give up and take the easy way everytime you face challenging odds?!”] The man was slowly welling up with wrath at the Jetii’s actions prior to their fight against

He was not enraged at the fact that Zephyr Krayt had fallen in battle. After all, life was a gift that everyone cherished, but had to return at one point. They were born to die. What enraged him was that the Jetii didn’t even try to save him. The remains of Zephyr Krayt was still engulfed in fire until the Ori’ramikad had smothered it with a small, controlled shockwave from the repulsor from his left vambrace.
What also added up to his wrath was the fact that the Ori’ramikad was trained and equipped to deal with battlefield casualties. Zephyr Krayt could have lived. He did not need to die today in this battle. He could have survived, but his fate was sealed by the Jetii’s decision.
The giant waited for what the Jetii had to say for himself, with his hands clenched into fists; his arms tensed up and hanging from the sides. It would depend on what the Jetii would say next whether they’d be on each other’s throats or not.

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