Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Stanton Delamar


Name: Stanton Delamar (Pseudo-name)
Faction: None (operates within First Order territory)
Rank: Civilian (Warden of the Sky) - First Order
Species: Human
Age: 41
Sex: Male
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 190 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown/gray
Skin: Caucasian
Force Sensitive: Yes

  • Power of the Force - Stanton is a talented wielder of the Force, and a focused practitioner of the Dark Side.
  • Patient and Observant - Once, in a previous profession - and name, Stanton was a specialist in surveillance and espionage (particularly against adversary Force Users)
  • Unarmed combatant - Both from previous training and skills picked up in the field, as well as from extensive training under a Warden of the Sky, Stanton has substantial capabilities in hand-to-hand combat.
  • Loner - Stanton has been out in the cold too long, traveling the star-lanes from starship crew to starship crew, occasionally slipping about as a passenger, keeping the peace by himself.
  • A broken man - After having his galactic perceptions shattered, he has traveled for the past several years, looking for neither meaning nor permanence. Only his emotional nourishment from Dark Side-fueled vigilantism sustains him now.
  • Politically Dogmatic - He believes, in his heart of hearts, that the Imperial way is the only true path to a galaxy of law and order. It is the very core belief that permeates Stanton's galaxy-view.
  • Cynical - Stanton's negative view of the galaxy and its inhabitants causes his mood to gravitate between anger and frustration, which he subconsciously taps into to fuel his power with the Dark Side of the Force.

Stanton generally wears a standard-quality spacer's jumpsuit while transiting the galaxy aboard star-ships, and when burdened by solid ground, he generally wears business/business-casual.


Stanton Delamar is a thoroughly mysterious individual, who has chosen to conceal and obfuscate his origins. A freelance spacer by profession, Stanton is in fact a member of a disorganized and unstructured Force Using tradition known as Wardens of the Sky - practitioners who utilize their powerful Force powers to protect and safeguard the men, women, and children who transit the stars. Raiders, mercenaries, and pirates are the primary opponents facing Stanton - though the man is often equally dangerous to unruly or otherwise disruptive starship passengers - and occasionally, even crew.

The Dark Side of the Force informs Stanton of his every decision, as he has devoted himself fully to the service of the Dark Side, and severed his previous ties with the Sith tradition, believing them - and the Sith Empires that had countless times before risen only to fall into obscurity - to be nothing more than false interpretations of the will of the Dark Side itself. The Wardens of the Sky themselves only served to further his goal of inflicting his vengeance upon the n'er do wells of the galaxy.

The reluctance of the Wardens to use blasters or destructive weaponry at all has given Stanton further appreciation for hand-to-hand combat aboard star-ships, and the improvisation that can be had via utilizing the Force in close quarters fighting. Stanton never carries his personal lightsaber, nor his hold-out blaster pistol for this reason, though he does maintain a small vibro-dagger for knife fighting when the occasion is necessary, a habit instilled in him by his Warden mentor just after Stanton's self-induced exile from the life and past he left behind.

The years have seen him to every corner of the galaxy, but he has taken to residing in the territories of the First Order most recently. By happenstance at first, but over time Stanton has grown an appreciation for the good governance of the First Order - their consistency in upholding the ideals of righteous Law and Order have instilled in him a base loyalty to their cause, which he believes mirrors his own - albeit on the grand scale, as opposed to his application of a firm hand on the micro-scale. Because of this he has begun opting to remain entirely in First Order space while conducting his clandestine service to the galaxy-at-large.

It remains only a matter of time, however, before his Force Using antics beget the attention of the Knights of Ren or First Order authorities in general.

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