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Approved Starship Star of Pantora

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Manufacturer: Kalevala Spaceworks
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Length: Average
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Average




  • Very Fast: While Chi mostly keeps the ship to a more sedate pace, Star of Pantora is capable of incredible swiftness.
  • Unassuming: A socialite's luxury yacht, most people don’t look deeper than that.
  • Not a Fighter: Star of Pantora lacks any real heavy armament.
While Chi loves her corvette Che’s Boutique, she’s been expanding her business operations of late and finding herself in need of more space. She made sure to carry over many of the lessons learned while living in her earlier home, such as integrating Ji-Ji into his own shielded data vault and utilizing drones to gather resources from asteroids and moons. The Star also follows in prioritizing speed and defense over everything else, both in real-space and traveling at hyperspeed.

Constructed by Kalevala Spaceworks in a similar vein as their previous ships, the visitor areas and Chi’s private floors are stylishly luxurious and the height of comfort. Soft creams and lilac are interwoven with orchalcum accents for the predominant color schemes while clari-crystalline chandeliers illuminate gathering areas. Small flowering trees line the main entryway and are found tucked away in other gathering areas and halls alongside other native plants to enhance the connection to Pantora’s natural landscape in complement to her color schemes. Likewise, the ivory exterior mimics traditional Pantoran buildings with filigree adding geometric accents.

Multiple comfortable apartments were added along the main tower section along with other amenities to house Chi’s family and extended relatives. These spaces are decorated according to what she knew of their personal tastes and to reflect some aspect of their homes on Pantora allowing Chi to have fun with a wide variety of designs and colors, even including a small walking trail through a garden park. A refuge for those she loved should a hostile empire claim Pantora.

Opulence obfuscates the truth however. Hidden behind a string of passageways and turbolifts deep in the crew section of the ship, secured by a guarded blast door, lies a secret factory separate to Chi’s shipboard workshop. It's here that she plans to carry on Che Boutique’s manufacturing obligations should her holdings on her home moon fall. Raw material is provided by resource gathering drones, and much of the labor is performed by assembly droids overseen by Ji-Ji. Effort was taken that the factory produced minimal waste or heat, with traces being routed to Star of Pantora’s engine exhausts to be burned away while an energy baffler further hides the power readings from sensor scans, even from inside the ship. Following her own methods of printing parts and assemblies from the molecular level, the factory uses few moving parts other than to maneuver assemblies into place and produces items at an exceptional quality.

The few organic crew members are Pantoran, all of whom were hired from Chi’s home moon after extensive security checks. The rest of the crew and security are provided by a variety of droid models. N&Z’s Ceres droids make up extra crew and hospitality service positions, while providing discrete security functions. Their humanoid bodies and hands, along with their AI and learning programs, allow them the flexibility to slip into many roles with minimal fuss. These are supported by BD-3000 luxury droids for VIP guests and special occasions. Quartets of ISI ICD-02 Myrmidon security droids guard important areas such as the entry hall, bridge, engineering, Chi’s secret manufactorum, hanger, and the foyer to the guest areas. As a last line of defense, and to provide support to Ji-Ji should he ever take the field, Chi has a half-dozen Globex Praetorian Commando Droids. Two Praetorian's guard her quarters while the remainder act as bodyguards for herself and guests if needed. Each droid has been equipped with standardized Force Avenger shields and had photoreceptors replaced with Matiasma Photoreceptors where possible to provide instant firepower even when unarmed. The Viper Particle Rifle and its launcher are the standard arms for Star of Pantora security forces.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: A new personal transport, home, and mobile factory for Chi Chuchi.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: Nau’ur-Class Yacht, Coronet
Primary Source(s):

Che’s Boutique

Technical Information

Affiliation: Chi Chuchi
Model: Star of Pantora
Starship Class: Frigate (200-500m)
Starship Role: Yacht
Modular: Yes
Material: Solarium Glasteel, Mirrsteel Framing, Seigurium X Armoring, Integrum
Armaments: 7 Dual FAW/SW "Chromofly" Light Turbolasers
Fast-Track Mounted
Defense Rating: Very High
Speed Rating: Extreme
Maneuverability Rating:: High
Energy Resist: Extreme
Kinetic Resist: Extreme
Radiation Resist: Very High
Minimum Crew: 5
Optimal Crew: 45
Passenger Capacity: 400
Cargo Capacity: Average
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